Decrease the time spend line searching with minimal effort. Related to #61, #60 .
Adjusted the initial step sizes for the ptychography solver according to my observations from two real datasets. While the probe step size seems to remain on the order of 1, the object step size consistently shrinks to the order of 1e-5. I guessed that this was related the scan area.
My observation is that applying the smaller initial step for the object update decreases times per epoch by an order of magnitude.
Pre-Merge Checklists
[x] Write a helpfully descriptive pull request title.
[x] Organize changes into logically grouped commits with descriptive commit messages.
[x] Document all new functions.
[x] Write tests for new functions or explain why they are not needed.
Decrease the time spend line searching with minimal effort. Related to #61, #60 .
Adjusted the initial step sizes for the ptychography solver according to my observations from two real datasets. While the probe step size seems to remain on the order of 1, the object step size consistently shrinks to the order of 1e-5. I guessed that this was related the scan area.
My observation is that applying the smaller initial step for the object update decreases times per epoch by an order of magnitude.
Pre-Merge Checklists
to format python code.Reviewer