AdyRock / com.somfy.tahoma

Somfy TaHoma app for Homey
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 3 forks source link

I can't find my Somfy security smoke detectors + security window opener on Homey Pro #113

Open goofy1982 opened 1 year ago

goofy1982 commented 1 year ago

Homey Pro doesn't find my 2 security smoke detectors from Somfy + 7 security window openers (connected with the Somfy hub) on Homey Pro, can you plaese advise.

AdyRock commented 1 year ago

What Somfy hub do you have? If you have a Tahoma or Connexoon can you send the Detected log from the Configure App screen.

goofy1982 commented 1 year ago

Hi Ady, that's a really fast reply, thank you !! I have Tahoma, i'm just new in here and don't really where everything is, so could you help me to find the detected log..

goofy1982 commented 1 year ago

this is the image that i recieve. image

AdyRock commented 1 year ago

If you scroll to the bottom of the left panel you should see the cog and if you click on that you see a list of apps. Click on the Somfy Tahoma and Connexoon app and then on the Configure button. Next click on the Device Log tab and then tap on the Get Log button. Finally, click on the Send log button.

goofy1982 commented 1 year ago

Hi Thanks for your fast reply! i have send it as you have requested. additional below also ;)

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AdyRock commented 1 year ago

OK, not good news on this one. I can now see the devices you mentioned are part of the Somfy Protect systems, so unfortunately they are not exposed to Tahoma. I have the same issue with my Somfy One alarm as I can't use any of the window or motion sensors from that in Homey. Basically if you look through the log, all the exposed devices will have an entry with "controllableName"

goofy1982 commented 1 year ago

Hi, This means? i can't put this in the Homey app?

goofy1982 commented 1 year ago

sorry i forget to thank you to go true all this.

AdyRock commented 1 year ago

Correct. The devices that are part of the Somfy Security system can't be add to Homey. The only exception is the actual alarm, which can be set to disarm, partial or arm modes and it also shows when an alarm is in progress.