AdyRock / com.weatherunderground

Homey app for Weather Underground
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

Error in app - app not working #19

Closed mcrbrauers closed 2 years ago

mcrbrauers commented 2 years ago

The app is not working at all.

There is a stabile connecion with WU, but the Homey can't get de info via the API.

the app is showing error: GetURL On Error: Client Network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was estalished.

============== Copy of the log:

App Started 2022-01-12T15:00:04.686Z













Please fix the app!!!

AdyRock commented 2 years ago

That's a low level error so the only thing I can suggest is to reboot things.

AdyRock commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately GitHub does not process the email attachments so they just get lost. If you have some information then you will need to paste it into the message. If the error is the same as before then I don't know how to fix it as it is a low level network error. There are currently 800 users on the new version and you are the only one reporting this error so I don't have enough information to even suggest what the problem might be. Could you provide information about your Homey such as model, firmware version, etc, so i can ask Athom if they have any suggestions.

AdyRock commented 2 years ago

Could you check your router configuration to make sure it doesn't have any firewall options that could be blocking the access.

Joolee commented 2 years ago

@mcrbrauers Might I recommend you show some respect to the developer? He provides this app free of charge, doesn't even have a donate button and still responds to you within a day to help you fix a problem that's probably not even his fault!

If it was me, I would have send you a quote for my hourly rate with that attitude.

mcrbrauers commented 2 years ago

@mcrbrauers Might I recommend you show some respect to the developer? He provides this app free of charge, doesn't even have a donate button and still responds to you within a day to help you fix a problem that's probably not even his fault!

If it was me, I would have send you a quote for my hourly rate with that attitude.

Fuck you asshole