Adyen / adyen-3ds2-ios

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Unknown directory server #5

Closed jnorkus closed 5 years ago

jnorkus commented 5 years ago

When creating a transaction I am getting the following error:

ERROR Error Domain=com.adyen.Adyen3DS2.ADYRuntimeError Code=0 "Unknown directory server." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unknown directory server.}

I am sure the directory server ID is valid because it goes through successfully on Android.

joostvandijk commented 5 years ago

Hi @jnorkus,

Can you show a snippet of how you initialize the service and create a transaction?

With kind regards,


jnorkus commented 5 years ago

Here is my implementation in Nativescript (TypeScript).

export class Adyen3ds2Flow {
    private parameters: ADYServiceParameters;

    constructor(directoryServerId: string, directoryServerPublicKey: string) {
        this.parameters = new ADYServiceParameters();
        this.parameters.directoryServerIdentifier = directoryServerId;
        this.parameters.directoryServerPublicKey = directoryServerPublicKey;

    createTransaction() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ADYService.transactionWithParametersAppearanceConfigurationCompletionHandler(this.parameters, null, (transaction, warnings, error) => {
                if (warnings) {

                if (error) {
                } else {

The completion handler is getting called with mentioned error.

joostvandijk commented 5 years ago

The code looks good. Just to make sure, can you share the contents of the directoryServerId and directoryServerPublicKey?

jnorkus commented 5 years ago

Directory server ID: F013371337 Directory server public key: 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

joostvandijk commented 5 years ago

@jnorkus Are you using a version of the SDK older than 0.9.6? Support for ID F013371337 was added in 0.9.6.

jnorkus commented 5 years ago

You are right, my CocoaPods repo was outdated, thus installing version 0.9.4. Running pod repo update fixes the issue. Thanks!

badredaha commented 4 years ago

Hi, The same things !

Domain=com.adyen.Adyen3DS2.ADYRuntimeError Code=0 "Unknown directory server

mohammedDehairy commented 4 years ago

Hi @badredaha ,

Thanks for reaching out.

Which version of the SDK are you using?

What's the Directory server ID?

What's the Directory server public key?

badredaha commented 4 years ago

Hi @mohammedDehairy,

Which version of the SDK are you using?

What's the Directory server ID? i don't know ! our team API handle this

What's the Directory server public key? i don't know ! our team API handle this

badredaha commented 4 years ago

the only card caused this problem is :

5454 5454 5454 5454 03/2030 737

it's work for :

4917 6100 0000 0000 03/2030 737

what happened ?

P.S : even in Android and even in the sample and example provided by Adyen.


mohammedDehairy commented 4 years ago

Hi @badredaha ,

The directory sever identifier in question is for Master card test environment, and unfortunately its unrecognizable by the SDK at the moment, so this error is expected and shouldn't affect production, and we'll fix this in future releases.