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Update kotlin #1540

Closed renovate[bot] closed 1 week ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 month ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test 1.6.4 -> 1.8.0 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android 1.6.4 -> 1.8.0 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core 1.6.4 -> 1.8.0 age adoption passing confidence
composeOptions (source) 1.5.8 -> 1.5.11 age adoption passing confidence (source) 1.9.22 -> 1.9.23 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-parcelize-runtime (source) 1.9.22 -> 1.9.23 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines (org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test) ### [`v1.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Implement the library for the Web Assembly (Wasm) for JavaScript ([#​3713]( Thanks [@​igoriakovlev](! - Major Kotlin version update: was 1.8.20, became 1.9.21. - On Android, ensure that `Dispatchers.Main != Dispatchers.Main.immediate` ([#​3545](, [#​3963]( - Fixed a bug that caused `Flow` operators that limit cancel the upstream flow to forget that they were already finished if there is another such operator upstream ([#​4035](, [#​4038]( - `kotlinx-coroutines-debug` is published with the correct Java 9 module info ([#​3944]( - `kotlinx-coroutines-debug` no longer requires manually setting `DebugProbes.enableCoroutineCreationStackTraces` to `false`, it's the default ([#​3783]( - `kotlinx-coroutines-test`: set the default timeout of `runTest` to 60 seconds, added the ability to configure it on the JVM with the `kotlinx.coroutines.test.default_timeout=10s` ([#​3800]( - `kotlinx-coroutines-test`: fixed a bug that could lead to not all uncaught exceptions being reported after some tests failed ([#​3800]( - `delay(Duration)` rounds nanoseconds up to whole milliseconds and not down ([#​3920]( Thanks [@​kevincianfarini](! - `Dispatchers.Default` and the default thread for background work are guaranteed to use the same context classloader as the object containing it them ([#​3832]( - It is guaranteed that by the time `SharedFlow.collect` suspends for the first time, it's registered as a subscriber for that `SharedFlow` ([#​3885]( Before, it was also true, but not documented. - Atomicfu version is updated to 0.23.1, and Kotlin/Native atomic transformations are enabled, reducing the footprint of coroutine-heavy code ([#​3954]( - Added a workaround for miscompilation of `withLock` on JS ([#​3881]( Thanks [@​CLOVIS-AI](! - Small tweaks and documentation fixes. ##### Changelog relative to version 1.8.0-RC2 - `kotlinx-coroutines-debug` no longer requires manually setting `DebugProbes.enableCoroutineCreationStackTraces` to `false`, it's the default ([#​3783]( - Fixed a bug that caused `Flow` operators that limit cancel the upstream flow to forget that they were already finished if there is another such operator upstream ([#​4035](, [#​4038]( - Small documentation fixes. ### [`v1.7.3`]( [Compare Source]( - Disabled the publication of the multiplatform library metadata for the old (1.6 and earlier) KMP Gradle plugin ([#​3809]( - Fixed a bug introduced in 1.7.2 that disabled the coroutine debugger in IDEA ([#​3822]( ### [`v1.7.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug fixes and improvements - Coroutines debugger no longer keeps track of coroutines with empty coroutine context ([#​3782]( - `CopyableThreadContextElement` now properly copies an element when crossing the coroutine boundary in `flowOn` ([#​3787]( Thanks [@​wanyingd1996](! - Coroutine timeouts no longer prevent K/N `newSingleThreadContext` from closing ([#​3768]( - A non-linearizability in `Mutex` during `tryLock`/`unlock` sequence with owners is fixed ([#​3745]( - Atomicfu version is updated to 0.21.0. ### [`v1.7.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug fixes and improvements - Special characters in coroutine names in JSON dumps are supported ([#​3747]( - The binary compatibility of the experimental overload of `runTest` is restored ([#​3673]( - Channels that don't use `onUndeliveredElement` now allocate less memory ([#​3646]( ### [`v1.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Core API significant improvements - New `Channel` implementation with significant performance improvements across the API ([#​3621]( - New `select` operator implementation: faster, more lightweight, and more robust ([#​3020]( - `Mutex` and `Semaphore` now share the same underlying data structure ([#​3020]( - `Dispatchers.IO` is added to K/N ([#​3205]( - `newFixedThreadPool` and `Dispatchers.Default` implementations on K/N were wholly rewritten to support graceful growth under load ([#​3595]( - `kotlinx-coroutines-test` rework: - Add the `timeout` parameter to `runTest` for the whole-test timeout, 10 seconds by default ([#​3270]( This replaces the configuration of quiescence timeouts, which is now deprecated ([#​3603]( - The `withTimeout` exception messages indicate if the timeout used the virtual time ([#​3588]( - `TestCoroutineScheduler`, `runTest`, and `TestScope` API are promoted to stable ([#​3622]( - `runTest` now also fails if there were uncaught exceptions in coroutines not inherited from the test coroutine ([#​1205]( ##### Breaking changes - Old K/N memory model is no longer supported ([#​3375]( - New generic upper bounds were added to reactive integration API where the language since 1.8.0 dictates ([#​3393]( - `kotlinx-coroutines-core` and `kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8` artifacts were merged into a single artifact ([#​3268]( - Artificial stackframes in stacktrace recovery no longer contain the `\b` symbol and are now navigable in IDE and supplied with proper documentation ([#​2291]( - `CoroutineContext.isActive` returns `true` for contexts without any job in them ([#​3300]( ##### Bug fixes and improvements - Kotlin version is updated to 1.8.20 - Atomicfu version is updated to 0.20.2. - `JavaFx` version is updated to 17.0.2 in `kotlinx-coroutines-javafx` ([#​3671]( - JPMS is supported ([#​2237]( Thanks [@​lion7](! - `BroadcastChannel` and all the corresponding API are deprecated ([#​2680]( - Added all supported K/N targets ([#​3601](, [#​812](, [#​855]( - K/N `Dispatchers.Default` is backed by the number of threads equal to the number of available cores ([#​3366]( - Fixed an issue where some coroutines' internal exceptions were not properly serializable ([#​3328]( - Introduced `Job.parent` API ([#​3201]( - Fixed a bug when `TestScheduler` leaked cancelled jobs ([#​3398]( - `TestScope.timeSource` now provides comparable time marks ([#​3617]( Thanks [@​hfhbd](! - Fixed an issue when cancelled `withTimeout` handles were preserved in JS runtime ([#​3440]( - Ensure `awaitFrame` only awaits a single frame when used from the main looper ([#​3432]( Thanks [@​pablobaxter](! - Obsolete `Class-Path` attribute was removed from `kotlinx-coroutines-debug.jar` manifest ([#​3361]( - Fixed a bug when `updateThreadContext` operated on the parent context ([#​3411]( - Added new `Flow.filterIsInstance` extension ([#​3240]( - `Dispatchers.Default` thread name prefixes are now configurable with system property ([#​3231]( - Added `Flow.timeout` operator as `@FlowPreview` ([#​2624]( Thanks [@​pablobaxter](! - Improved the performance of the `future` builder in case of exceptions ([#​3475]( Thanks [@​He-Pin](! - `Mono.awaitSingleOrNull` now waits for the `onComplete` signal ([#​3487]( - `Channel.isClosedForSend` and `Channel.isClosedForReceive` are promoted from experimental to delicate ([#​3448]( - Fixed a data race in native `EventLoop` ([#​3547]( - `Dispatchers.IO.limitedParallelism(valueLargerThanIOSize)` no longer creates an additional wrapper ([#​3442]( Thanks [@​dovchinnikov](! - Various `@FlowPreview` and `@ExperimentalCoroutinesApi` are promoted to experimental and stable respectively ([#​3542](, [#​3097](, [#​3548]( - Performance improvements in `Dispatchers.Default` and `Dispatchers.IO` ([#​3416](, [#​3418]( - Fixed a bug when internal `suspendCancellableCoroutineReusable` might have hanged ([#​3613]( - Introduced internal API to process events in the current system dispatcher ([#​3439]( - Global `CoroutineExceptionHandler` is no longer invoked in case of unprocessed `future` failure ([#​3452]( - Performance improvements and reduced thread-local pressure for the `withContext` operator ([#​3592]( - Improved performance of `DebugProbes` ([#​3527]( - Fixed a bug when the coroutine debugger might have detected the state of a coroutine incorrectly ([#​3193]( - `CoroutineDispatcher.asExecutor()` runs tasks without dispatching if the dispatcher is unconfined ([#​3683]( Thanks [@​odedniv](! - `SharedFlow.toMutableList` and `SharedFlow.toSet` lints are introduced ([#​3706]( - `Channel.invokeOnClose` is promoted to stable API ([#​3358]( - Improved lock contention in `Dispatchers.Default` and `Dispatchers.IO` during the startup phase ([#​3652]( - Fixed a bug that led to threads oversubscription in `Dispatchers.Default` ([#​3642]( - Fixed a bug that allowed `limitedParallelism` to perform dispatches even after the underlying dispatcher was closed ([#​3672]( - Fixed a bug that prevented stacktrace recovery when the exception's constructor from `cause` was selected ([#​3714]( - Improved sanitizing of stracktrace-recovered traces ([#​3714]( - Introduced an internal flag to disable uncaught exceptions reporting in tests as a temporary migration mechanism ([#​3736]( - Various documentation improvements and fixes. Changelog for previous versions may be found in [CHANGES_UP_TO\](CHANGES_UP_TO\
JetBrains/kotlin ( ### [`v1.9.23`]( Kotlin 1.9.23 ##### 1.9.23 ##### Apple Ecosystem - [`KT-65542`]( Cinterop tasks fails if Xcode 15.3 is used ##### Backend. Wasm - [`KT-64486`]( Kotlin/Wasm/WASI exported function callback for coroutines support ##### Compiler - [`KT-53478`]( Could not load module - [`KT-66044`]( JDK's new API is used over Kotlin's SDK functions - [`KT-64640`]( Prevent mutating SequenceCollection methods from JDK 21 be available on read-only collections - [`KT-65441`]( K1: Remove JDK 21 getFirst()/getLast() in (Mutable)List interfaces - [`KT-65634`]( K/N: data race during monolithic cache creation - [`KT-53109`]( CompilationErrorException generateUnboundSymbolsAsDependencies with builder inference and lambdas - [`KT-52757`]( Type inference for builders fails if inferred from a function ##### Tools. Gradle - [`KT-65792`]( Add JSON build report - [`KT-65091`]( Update compiler metrics in build reports - [`KT-62490`]( KGP dropping resource directories ##### Tools. Gradle. JS - [`KT-64119`]( K/JS: Migrate package manager from Yarn onto NPM - [`KT-64561`]( K/JS tests are not executed after upgrade to 1.9.22 ##### Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform - [`KT-65954`]( commonTest dependencies affect commoMainMetadata compilation ##### Tools. Gradle. Native - [`KT-64573`]( Default value for `produceUnpackedKlib` was not provided


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renovate[bot] commented 1 week ago

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sonarcloud[bot] commented 1 week ago

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