Adyen / adyen-java-api-library

Adyen API Library for Java
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BankingWebhookHandler its not being able to parse the payload correctly #1292

Closed helsoncruztw closed 2 weeks ago

helsoncruztw commented 4 weeks ago

I'm trying to parse the payload from balance platform webhook, more specific the account holder updated Currently i'm trying to parse the payload using the BankingWebhookHandler. Even with a payload that should be valid, the AccountHolderNotificationRequest it's not Present. Testing this i have noticed that the status, of account holder object in the payload, it's the problem.

the status in the payload it's lower case and in the configurationwebhooks.AccountHolder object the enum has the values with the first letter uppercase.

How to reproduce Try to use BankingWebhookHandler to parse this payload: { "data": { "balancePlatform": "platform", "accountHolder": { "id": "account-holder-id", "legalEntityId": "legal-entity-id", "status":"active" } }, "environment": "test", "type": "balancePlatform.accountHolder.updated" }

Expected behavior Should be able to parse the json if the status is valid, not be case sensitive or return the correct value in payload.

Screenshots Here the payload that i'm receiving


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mvaltas-gfm commented 3 weeks ago

This can be closed since version 26.0.0 has been released, but we haven't seen version 26.0.0 available on Maven Central yet. When will the new release be published?

DjoykeAbyah commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @mvaltas-gfm, @helsoncruztw!

I'm not sure If you already spotted version 26.0.0 on maven central. In case you weren't able to check yet you can find it here


Djoyke Adyen