Adyen / adyen-magento2-express-checkout

Adyen Magento 2 Express Checkout Module
MIT License
8 stars 2 forks source link

[ECP-9156] Express Checkout Options missing in the Checkout #83

Open jamstew2001 opened 3 months ago

jamstew2001 commented 3 months ago


The express checkout feature is great but it seems to have been missed from the most important location, which is in the checkout!

Shopify use it and it is the most used payment option in their checkout. We are constantly being asked by our shoppers why we don't have this function. I would be very grateful if you could add this feature, it will increase conversions for everyone. For the skilled developer on the Adyen team I am sure it would only be an afternoons work :)

Many thanks


candemiralp commented 2 months ago

Hello @jamstew2001,

Thank you for creating this issue for the enhancement. We've created an internal investigation ticket for this implementation.

Best regards, Can