Adyen / adyen-magento2

Adyen Payment plugin for Magento2
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dfSet is not defined. #177

Closed falknerdominik closed 7 years ago

falknerdominik commented 7 years ago

Hello there,

we just updated to 2.1.1 (because of #170 / #171) and now we are experience this error on checkout:

image Bundleling is activated. This also completely block the checkout. Got any ideas?



rikterbeek commented 7 years ago

Hi @kuwiano,

We were not able to reproduce this problem. We have renamed the file from df to df.min Could you check on your end what javascript is loaded in? It could be that you need to re-compile and clean your cache.

Regards, Rik Adyen

falknerdominik commented 7 years ago

Hi @rikterbeek,

Error happens right here (with break on dom exception in chrome):


I already deleted pub/static/ and var/view_preprocessed/ and recompiled the entire project but the error still persists.



rikterbeek commented 7 years ago

Hi @kuwiano,

Could you check if the javascript file Adyen_Payment/js/view/payment/df.min is loaded into your system ? This should be done by this line:

Regards, Rik Adyen

ptraing commented 7 years ago

Hi @rikterbeek and @kuwiano,

I have the same error and found how to reproduce the bug. To get this error you have to go into production mode, when we are in developer mode the error does not appear and the file df.min.js is loaded. However, in production mode, the df.min.js file is not loaded ... Now I don't know how to do js files loaded in both modes.

Best regards, Philippe

falknerdominik commented 7 years ago

Hi @rikterbeek,

File is a found at this path: vendor/adyen/module-payment/view/frontend/web/js/view/payment/df.min.js

In vendor/adyen/module-payment/view/frontend/requirejs-config.js I have this exact line: 'adyen/df' : 'Adyen_Payment/js/view/payment/df.min'

@ptraing our shop is in production mode.

UPDATE: @rikterbeek without bundleling it works. But that also means our RequireJS files will not be merged.

Regards, Dominik

fahu commented 7 years ago

I can confirm this issue for Magento 2.1.8. Mode: Production Merging: Enabled Bundling: Enabled

boldbart commented 7 years ago

We have the same issue on Magento 2.1.8, Adyen 2.1.1. Mode: Production Bundling: Enabled Merging: Disabled

lancergr commented 7 years ago

Hi @fahu @boldbart @kuwiano @ptraing

Thanks for reporting this! This fix should resolve this issue [c2aed95]

Could you let me know if it works for you?

Best Regards, Giorgos Adyen

ptraing commented 7 years ago

Hi @lancergr

Thanks you it works !

Best Regards, Philippe

fahu commented 7 years ago

@lancergr Thanks for your fast bug fix. I can confirm that the module is now working as it should. I really appreciate that you react so fast to troubles. However I really would wish a better quality management for the adyen magento module. The last couple of issues that happened could have been easily detected with basic testing.

Best regards Fabian

lancergr commented 7 years ago

Hi @fahu

Glad to hear that it works for your case as well. This one was tricky since depending on the bundling/merging/minifying combination it would behave differently on different parts of the module. We are busy on setting up a more automated way for build verification testing and hopefully we have this issues minimised in future!

Kind Regards, Giorgos Adyen

fahu commented 7 years ago

Hi @lancergr !

Yeah I understand that it's harder to test since these different configuration options. Good to hear that you are working on setting up a better testing environment.

Best regards Fabian

falknerdominik commented 7 years ago

Hi @lancergr,

works like a charm! Thanks for reacting so fast.

Best regards, Dominik

fahu commented 7 years ago

Hi @lancergr when do you plan to release a new version containing this fix?

lancergr commented 7 years ago

Hi @fahu, you can expect it on the upcoming days!

Regards, Giorgos Adyen