Adyen / adyen-react-native

Adyen React Native
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Klarna Pay Over Time payment method does not redirecting back to the app after payment #392

Closed BenSagir closed 3 months ago

BenSagir commented 3 months ago

Following your official documentation Klarna changed their protocol or something.

when paying with Klarna Pay Over Time. the transaction is set up well and the backend acknowledge it as a valid payment but the SDK is stuck on loader and not redirected back to the app. the didProvide function is not running in this case.

after i close the app and open it again it looks like a successful payment but only the redirection is breaking the flow.

are you planning on deal with this issue? is there a workaround to activate the didProvide callback when paying with Klarna?

thanks in advance, Ben Sagir.

BenSagir commented 3 months ago

looks like Paypal cancelation has the same issue i got this warning in the console:

Sending didFailCallback with no listeners registered.

descorp commented 3 months ago

Hey @BenSagir

Sending didFailCallback with no listeners registered.

This means that native code emitting event, but no one is listening. Is it possible that AdyenCheckout object or it's parent was recreated?

Make sure you are using useCallback:

import { useCallback } from 'react';

Could you create a blank app and reproduce this behaviour?

YankovWeb commented 3 months ago

@descorp Is working we fix it Thank you

descorp commented 3 months ago

Thanks for letting us know @YankovWeb !

What was the cause of the issue?

YankovWeb commented 3 months ago

We change the screen components on loading to show animation of loading and AdyenCheckout was re-created. Thank you.