Aedif / TokenVariants

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Token HUD missing from token #48

Closed Orionox closed 2 years ago

Orionox commented 2 years ago

I don't know why but one of my players no longer has the button on the token HUD. I've check both their setting s and mine and soo nothing that should be causing the token to be missing the button. The last thing I was doing before the button went missing was clearing out some broken links that they could select from. After I had done that, the button disappeared and I can't get iot back

Aedif commented 2 years ago


Do you notice any errors in the console?

It would also be useful to me if you could run the following in the console and try to open the HUD for a token:

game.settings.set("token-variants", "debug", true)

It should give an output such as this which might help me find the problem:


Lastly what do you mean by "clearing out some broken links". Did you delete the images, right-clicked them on the Token HUD, removed them from a rolltable?

Orionox commented 2 years ago

Capture Here's the error I was getting from the token. I ended up just remaking the token from scratch. What I mean by clearing link, was going through the variant UI clicking on the pictures to get rid of the green arrow thing for several images that got moved.

The problem was literally happening with a single actor/token. The issues did sort of get resolved if I set the token to not have an "actor." So I think I somehow messed up something fundamental about the actor.

Aedif commented 2 years ago

I was able to reproduce the issue. It should be fixed in Release 1.28.2

Caused by right-clicking the very edge of the image and the module becoming unable to find the image name and path.

If you find any more actors with a broken Token HUD button you can fix them by selecting a token and running the following:

game.actors.get(canvas.tokens.controlled[0].data.actorId).unsetFlag('token-variants', 'variants')