Aedif / TokenVariants

GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 12 forks source link

[Suggestion] #95

Closed Yuffyyy closed 1 year ago

Yuffyyy commented 1 year ago

Your new update game me an idea but it's probably a complicated one ! Would it be possible to have the same kind of automation but varying from one token to another ? Meaning we could have different token art varying with health condition they are ! Additionaly we could have the same kind of automation with incombat situation and out of combat situation. I would love to have my characters drawing and sheathing their weapons depending on wether they're fighting or not ♥

Anyway, love your module !

Aedif commented 1 year ago

It can already be set-up to vary from one token to another, or rather one Actor from another. Shift-Left clicking the status icon on the Token HUD will bring up a window where you configure effects for the Actor that that token represents.

Pressing Shift+G or going to Configure Settings > Active Effects > Global Effect Configurations will bring up a window where you configure effects for ALL tokens.

You can also already setup images for when a token is in or out of combat:

Shift-Left click the 'Toggle Combat State' button in the Token HUD.

Yuffyyy commented 1 year ago

Oh ! I feel so silly ! I love it thank you very very very much !!