Aedif / TokenVariants

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Need some help #99

Closed Nedrapter closed 1 year ago

Nedrapter commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to find some comprehensible guide on how to use the module and what exactly it can or can't do and I'm super confused. The wiki is half red saying I lack permission to update when clicking on the red links.

What I'm trying to find out is if it's possible to: Allow each player to switch between a selected few token images, while not having access to other players' images. Meaning that Player 1 using the Token HUD sees and can pick between image A, B, or C while Player 2, sees and can pick between images D, E or G. It's important that the image access is separated. I'm also using the Forge if that matters.

Aedif commented 1 year ago

The only way this would be possible is if your User1 had images A, B, and C in their Asset Library, and your User2 had images D, E, and G in their own.

Then each user would need to go into module settings and setup the 'Forge Assets Library Paths' to point to a folder inside their Asset Library containing these images and set the setting to NOT 'Share' it: image

What this does is expose User1 Asset Library to the module but only for themselves (as they chose not to 'Share' the path with anyone else).

Then when the User1 clicks on the Token HUD the module will only find the images that match up in their Asset Library (A, B, C).

Same applies for User2 and their Asset Library images (D, E, G)

Nedrapter commented 1 year ago

Explaining it to my players, I also noticed they seem to have full access to all the module's settings. Is that intended?

Aedif commented 1 year ago

They should only have access to 'Forge Assets Library Payhs' and 'Token HUD Client Settings', unless you've configured your players as GMs.

Nedrapter commented 1 year ago

I don't have them as GM. No elevated permissions on pretty much anything. These have access to all this image

If you know which permissions might be doing that I can check it to be sure. Other module permissions though are restricted as normal.

Aedif commented 1 year ago

I just tested and my users only have access to the client specific settings. Make sure you haven't given this permission to your players:


Nedrapter commented 1 year ago

I see. They did have that permission, as I thought it was required for general Foundry settings and modules like Dice so Nice. Apparently it's not for that. Turned it off, all good! Thanks!

Aedif commented 1 year ago

If the problem is resolved feel free to close the issue.

Regarding the wiki, it is still incomplete. I work on it a bit whenever I have the time and the will but the big scope of the module and up until recently rapid development meant that documentation always lagged behind.