Aelysium-Group / rusty-connector

A player and server connection manager for Velocity based Minecraft Networks!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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luckperms velocity cant find any permissions with rc #68

Closed wksdjfhgfrejwksld closed 5 months ago

wksdjfhgfrejwksld commented 5 months ago

luckperms velocity cant find any permissions with rc(not only rc but also other plugins) 1

nathan-i-martin commented 5 months ago

Manually entering the rc permissions should still work just fine even though they don't auto complete. Not sure how luckperms does the whole autocomplete thing but it's never worked for velocity plugins for me

wksdjfhgfrejwksld commented 5 months ago

tried command "lpv group default permission set rustyconnector.command.hub true" but /hub command still doesnt work cliend says it is unknown command rc version 0.7.2 lpv version 5.4.119 velocity version 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT-374 enabled /hub in dynamic_teleport.yml

nathan-i-martin commented 5 months ago

Can you send your dynamic_teleport.yml? Something to keep in mind is that you have to specifically define which families the hub command is enabled in. I'm guessing you're probably just calling it in a family that doesn't have it enabled

wksdjfhgfrejwksld commented 5 months ago




___ ____ ____

/\ -. /\ _\ \ /\ "-.\ \ /\ \ /\ "-./ \ /\ \ /\ ___\

\ \ \/\ \ __ \ \ -. \ \ \ \ -./\ \ \ \ \ ____

\ __- \/___\ _\"_\ _\ _\ _\ \ _\ _\ _____\

\/__/ \/___/ \// \// \//\// \// \// \// \/____/

__ __ ____ __ __ __ __

/_ \/\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ == \/\ \ /\ == \/\ _\

\//\ \/\ \ \ \ \ __\ \ __\ \ \ -/\ \ \/\ \ \ _<\//\ \/

\ _\ \ _\ _\ _\ _\ \ _\ _\ _\ \ _\

\// \/____/ \// \// \// \/____/ \// // \/_/

Welcome to Dynamic Teleport!


| Enables cross-server teleportation commands

| powered by RustyConnector's Dynamic Teleport

| engine.




########################################################################################################### #

Master toggle for Dynamic Teleport module

# enabled: false





| Let players teleport to eachother between servers

| inside a family!

| If player1 is in one server and player2 is in another

| server; player1 will connect to the new server and

| then teleport to player2's coordinates.

| If both players are in the same server, player1 will

| just automatically teleport to player1.

NOTE: This command is player only!









############################################################ tpa: enabled: true

# Should players only be allowed to tpa to their friends?
# Requires the friends module be enabled.
friends-only: false

# List the families that you'd like players to be able to tpa in.
# Players are not able to tpa between families, instead they can
# only tpa between servers inside a family.
enabled-families: []

# Should the tpa consider player caps before attempting to teleport?
# If false, the player must match the player caps of the server they
# are attempting to connect to.
ignore-player-cap: false

#                                Expiration                                     #
#                                                                               #
#                       ---------------------------                             #
# | How long a pending tpa request can exist for before                         #
# | it expires. Players are not allowed to issue new tpa requests if            #
# | they already have one pending.                                              #
#                                                                               #
# | If a player's tpa request is accepted or denied before it expires,          #
# | they will be able to issue a new tpa request immediately.                   #
# | Otherwise, they must wait for their current request to expire               #
# | before issuing a new one.                                                   #
#                                                                               #
# | Players will receive a notification in-chat if their request expires.       #
#                                                                               #
# | This data value is a Liquid Timestamp. Read more here:                      #
#  #
#                                                                               #
#   NOTE: The Liquid Timestamp "NEVER" is not allowed here!                     #
#                                                                               #
expiration: 5 Minutes



Family Anchor


| Family anchors are player facing commands that

| directly connect players to a specific family!







############################################################ family-anchor: enabled: true

# List as many anchors as you'd like!
# All anchor commands are executed using `/<anchor name>`
# NOTE: Make sure that, when you define your name, you don't include a slash!
    - name: "lobby"
      family: "lobby"





| Hub allows your players to teleport to the parent

| family of the family they are currently connected to!

| Set your family parent's in your respective family

| config files.









############################################################ hub: enabled: true

# List the families that you'd like players to be able to use /hub in.
  - "lobby"
nathan-i-martin commented 5 months ago

Looks like the root dynamic teleport "enabled" is false. So the whole module is off. You'll also wanna configure your families setting in here to so that the specific families you want have the /hub command enabled.

If you need additional support feel free to open a ticket in the discord server:

wksdjfhgfrejwksld commented 5 months ago

i solved this problem by updating lpv to 5.4.124