Aeoll / ae_SVG

SVG Importer and Exporter for Houdini
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
101 stars 10 forks source link

Polygons, polylines, and a thanks! #2

Open sirogi opened 6 years ago

sirogi commented 6 years ago

THANK YOU for the Houdini>SVG Otl, saved me endless headaches going out of Houdini to my plotter.

What was potentially a multi software trip, is not all encapsulated.

One thing I had to tweak (badly) it was always outputting polygons, hence closing paths, no matter what the curves in Houdini were doing. But I needed them open, so switched to polylines.. and it seems to work.

Not enough of a coder to look into encoding the Quad bezier splines. Based on the SVG spec, it's different tokens at the beginning, during, etc.. (even assuming the simplest case of mirroring tangents.)

Here's to dreaming. Thanks again!

Aeoll commented 6 years ago

I'm glad you're finding it useful! The Exporter does need some work - I would like to support bezier paths soon. However it should already be able to output open polylines as well as closed polygons. If you found the tool was outputting shapes incorrectly feel free to attach a .hip and I can take a look?

Cheers, Nick

sirogi commented 6 years ago

Well, this is embarrassing. Went back to re-check after your response. Turns out I was using a muuch older version of your OTL. The latest ones are working perfectly, thanks!

You now have one fan looking forward to Beziers.. of any order ;) Thank you for everything.


Aeoll commented 6 years ago

No worries :)

I've updated the repo - the Exporter should now work with Bezier Curves. Still a few things to fix but feel free to give it a test.

Note: The Exporter now has a dependency on the svg.path lib

sirogi commented 6 years ago

Thank you!

The OTL threw an error when I tried loading before I got the library (thank you diagonal reading.) A quick trip to pip, and the library is there (looks mighty handy). Confirmed by importing it through houdini's Python shell.

now OTLs quietly show up in the asset manager, but not the creation tab. Restarting houdini isn't helping, prob need a reboot(?). Will keep you posted!

Aeoll commented 6 years ago

Ok, let me know if you're still having problems

sirogi commented 6 years ago

Managed to load the Export OTL after a reboot.

While it exports the primitives, the results are interesting. Took 2 screen captures. the houdini cap shows a polyline spiral and a cubic bezier curve (added wire to make them visible). Once in Inkscape, the polyline seems ok, but Y flipped, the bezier, no such luck. didn't survive the transfer.

