Add zoning data was returning a warning that AddZonesDialog does not have an _exitprocedure attribute.
Although zones were being created, we aimed to remove this warning by creating an _exitprocedure function in _add_zonesdialog and removing the close statement from _add_zonesprocedures, we ended up with another warning, related to the database connection. This last issue was solved by adding a safe connection with AequililbraE's _commit_andclose
Add zoning data was returning a warning that AddZonesDialog does not have an _exitprocedure attribute.
Although zones were being created, we aimed to remove this warning by creating an _exitprocedure function in _add_zonesdialog and removing the close statement from _add_zonesprocedures, we ended up with another warning, related to the database connection. This last issue was solved by adding a safe connection with AequililbraE's _commit_andclose