AerialScreensaver / AerialCompanion

A companion app for the Aerial screen saver for macOS that takes care of install and auto-updates.
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Install Now of Update gives SSL error #26

Closed uromahn closed 3 years ago

uromahn commented 3 years ago

I am trying to update Aerial to the latest version using the AerialCompanion. However, when initiating the update manually, I am seeing the following error message:

Installation error

Error: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made.

Please report.)

This error is usually happening when downloading from GitHub over https but then the download redirects to a different URL with a domain name that is not part of the SSL certificate!

glouel commented 3 years ago

Hey @uromahn

This is weird. I'll do a check here in a minute but are you by any chance behind some sort of entreprise proxy or something of the kind ?

Edit : I did a check here, updating to 2.3.2 and that worked fine so I'm wondering. It's possible a server from GitHub had a certificate issue too, though unlikely.

glouel commented 3 years ago

Please reopen if you still experience the issue.