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Python bindings for crates focusing on data processing and protocols used by nav devices. #10

Open xadaemon opened 4 years ago

xadaemon commented 4 years ago


Python bindings for crates focusing on data processing and protocols used by nav devices.


Give people working with nav and related data in python a reliable and speedy option for


In data processing python is a popular choice and I feel that giving python bindings to libraries that focus on this problem domain are a good way to achieve demonstrate how rust can excel as a language for writing native python modules.

o0Ignition0o commented 4 years ago

Hey :)

I think this could be done by leveraging PyO3 among other things.

In general there might be some relevant projects to be found in arewelearningyet as well.

I'm not really sure how much Python is used in aero/embedded systems but data / geo parsing is definitely relevant !

Dushistov commented 4 years ago

but data / geo parsing is definitely relevant

This is intersection of interests with . Actually many things are relevant for navigation and geo algorithms, like calculation of new geo point from bearing + distance + base geo point, or calculation of bearing and distance from two geo points.

elpiel commented 4 years ago

I just saw this talk uploaded yesterday, I still haven't watched it but they are talking about PyO3: