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1st AeroRust Meetup (virtual) 📅 Date & Time: 19.08.21 17:00 - 19:00 UTC #22

Closed elpiel closed 2 years ago

elpiel commented 2 years ago

:tada: :tada: The first ever AeroRust community Meetup :tada: :tada:

It's time to meet and discuss some exciting projects, ideas and really anything related to (aero)space :rocket: and Rust :crab:

❗ If you'd like to share, discuss or talk about any (aero)space or Rust topics, project, etc. you can comment on this issue bellow 👇

:calendar: Date & Time: 19.08.2021 17:00 - 19:00 (or later) UTC

For your local time check:

Event link to Google Calendar

Video call link: (features: in browser with webrtc, privacy, encryption) Password: 1AeroRustM

Backup Video call link: (if for some reason 8x8 is not working well we will switch to Google meet)

Topics to discuss: (share your bellow)

  1. :small_airplane: Hello Drone - series of beginners workshops about Drones (by @elpiel ) - We will share our plans for the workshops like:
    • What implementations they will focus on
    • The topics that they will cover
    • What technologies they use
  2. General types of satellite boards and why you might want to use each one (like arduino vs raspi)
  3. (possible discussion) How does KubOS work: A summary with Q+A (by @MoralCode)

Is there something you'd like to present? Share it below and I will include it in the list :point_down: :point_down:

pwnorbitals commented 2 years ago

Love the idea !

elpiel commented 2 years ago

(Possible) Topic: 3. How does KubOS work: A summary with Q+A

@MoralCode would like to give us a summary of how KubOS works and we will have a Q&A session where anyone can share their experience or ask questions related to KubOS.

elpiel commented 2 years ago

UPDATE: How does KubOS work: A summary with Q+A (might not be discussed)

Due to unavailability, this point might not be discussed at the meetup, however, @MoralCode provided a Draft document of information about KubOS & the KubOS preservation group. You can check it here:

elpiel commented 2 years ago

Yesterday we had the first meetup 🥳 and we've discussed interesting topics about aerospace space opensource and rustlang

We briefly went over Cortex-R - arm microcontroller family for real-time & safety-critical applications.

On the next meetup we might discuss what's needed to get rustlang embedded support for these microcontrollers.

Thank you to everyone that managed to attend. Expect more details for the next meetup soon and the projects in the next few months 🗞️