AeroX2 / brother-cart-emulator

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Need a hand with the jumpers #2

Open MattBoog opened 6 months ago

MattBoog commented 6 months ago

Hey there, Looking into this project and working on getting the bom, gerber and position files for jlc, but I noticed 2 places with jumpers. Do you have some kind of guide or whatever to know what I should and shouldn't bridge?

MattBoog commented 6 months ago

Adding to that, do I need a special kind of diode for D32?

AeroX2 commented 6 months ago

Looking into this project and working on getting the bom, gerber and position files for jlc, but I noticed 2 places with jumpers. Do you have some kind of guide or whatever to know what I should and shouldn't bridge?

Been a while since I had a look at this but from what I remember, JP1 you should be able to bridge both together, it is used for card presence detection and I was going to use it for disconnecting the card, writing to the flash and reconnecting the card, although don't think I got it quite working, might potentially need a transistor instead.

JP2 you should be able to leave alone, it was mostly to disconnect the ESP32, I was concerned that the ESP32 might draw to much power from the card slot and cause issues with the machine but from my testing I'm pretty sure the 5V stayed pretty stable but YMMV

Adding to that, do I need a special kind of diode for D32?

Nah just another small piece of protection, helped quite a bit in the end since it was very easy to misalign the pins and accidently stick GND to 5V and 5V to GND

This was also was my first PCB so the routing isn't the prettiest and might have signal integrity issues, if you don't really need the ESP32 have a look at for a PCB that uses a Teensy instead and the routing it done much better :)

MattBoog commented 6 months ago

That other design uses a teensy3.5 which is discontinued. It's replacement is the 4.1, which isn't 5v tolerant. So it'll have to be the esp32 variant. For the diode, since it's nothing specific, a 1N4148WS should be fine right?