⚠Failing to follow those guidelines will lead to your issue being put to the lowest priority possible or closed. Don't waste my time by making me fish out information out of you.
This section is only for reporting bugs and leaving suggestions. If you need support join the Discord.
If you are reporting a bug check for the following:
⚠You are not running testing versions of Penumbra and Glamourer.
You are running Global (NA/EU/JP) version of the game. KR/CN are not officially supported.
You checked that your issue is not a duplicate of already existing one. Read every single issue if needed.
If you are trying to move the bones and they are not moving, you are not observing same behavior with posing tools.
You can more or less reliably reproduce your issue.
You prepared support logs by going into Customize+ settings tab and pressing "Copy Support Info to Clipboard".
Your issue is not related to IVCS or any other non-standard skeleton. (unless you've been explicitly told by member of Discord staff or plugin developer to make an issue here)
If you want to leave a suggestion check for the following:
You can present your idea in a way that another person can understand it.
You can present your idea as comprehensive as possible.
Checked all the boxes? Good. Now do this:
Create an issue with proper title.
For bugs:
Write a description of it and steps to reproduce it.
Attach as a file support information prepared earlier.
For suggestions:
Write your suggestion as detailed as possible.
(Optionaly) Include screenshots, video or any other additional materials to better explain bug/suggestion.
⚠Failing to follow those guidelines will lead to your issue being put to the lowest priority possible or closed. Don't waste my time by making me fish out information out of you.
This section is only for reporting bugs and leaving suggestions. If you need support join the Discord.
If you are reporting a bug check for the following:
If you want to leave a suggestion check for the following:
Checked all the boxes? Good. Now do this: