What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. I tried to do micro benchmarks on data structures (lists, sets, etc)
2. Operations such as "add" and "remove" are very hard to measure without a
certain control over the reps. On "add" you may end up running out of memory.
On "remove" you may end up with a NullPointerException if the data structure
does not have enough items stored.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
What helps is to have the @BeforeRep annoations to rebase the data structure
for every new measurement round. This avoid heap memory overflow.
Second, it helps to have a minimum of control on the "reps" parameter such that
the NPE for the "remove" experiments are being avoided.
So I enhanced the RuntimeWorker.Micro with the code from RuntimeWorker.Macro to
support the @BeforeRep/@AfterRep methods for rebasing. Finally, the @BeforeRep
takes the calculated number of reps as an input parameter and return the max
number of reps.
In case you find these additions interesting, the code looks like so:
public static final class Micro extends RuntimeWorker {
private final ImmutableSet<Method> beforeRepMethods;
private final ImmutableSet<Method> afterRepMethods;
@Inject Micro(@Benchmark Object benchmark,
@BenchmarkMethod Method method, Random random, Ticker ticker,
@WorkerOptions Map<String, String> workerOptions) {
super(benchmark, method, random, ticker, workerOptions);
this.beforeRepMethods =
getAnnotatedMethods(benchmark.getClass(), BeforeRep.class);
this.afterRepMethods =
getAnnotatedMethods(benchmark.getClass(), AfterRep.class);
@Override public void preMeasure() throws Exception {
for (Method beforeRepMethod : beforeRepMethods) {
Object result = beforeRepMethod.invoke(benchmark, super.nextReps);
if(result != null && result instanceof Integer){
super.nextReps = Math.min(super.nextReps, (Integer) result);
@Override long invokeTimeMethod(long reps) throws Exception {
int intReps = (int) reps;
if (reps != intReps) {
throw new InvalidBenchmarkException("%s.%s takes an int for reps, "
+ "but requires a greater number to fill the given timing interval (%s). "
+ "If this is expected (the benchmarked code is very fast), use a long parameter."
+ "Otherwise, check your benchmark for errors.",
benchmark.getClass(), benchmarkMethod.getName(),
ShortDuration.of(options.timingIntervalNanos, NANOSECONDS));
long before = ticker.read();
benchmarkMethod.invoke(benchmark, intReps);
return ticker.read() - before;
@Override public void postMeasure() throws Exception {
for (Method afterRepMethod : afterRepMethods) {
afterRepMethod.invoke(benchmark, super.nextReps);
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Please provide any additional information below.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by sebastia...@gmail.com on 28 Jul 2014 at 8:50
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 28 Jul 2014 at 8:50