AfZheng126 / MORA

MetagenOmic read Re-Assigner and abundance quantifier
MIT License
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When taxonomy is built from fasta sequence of size 372 GB MORA does not run #6

Open arpit20328 opened 1 month ago

arpit20328 commented 1 month ago

I have built Taxonomy from bash reference.fa

my reference sequence is around of size 372 GB

when the command is run

cargo run --release -- -s bacterial_alignment.sam -m bowtie2 -o vaibhav -t 64 --tax /home/arpit/bowtie2_index_metagenomics/bacterial_database_NCBI/bowtie2_zonedo/dudesdb_arc-bac_refseq-cg_201709/MORA/Taxonomy/

Its gets KILLED automatically

kindly help

yunwilliamyu commented 1 month ago

What kind of failure is it? My guess is that you're running out of memory, but it's hard to tell without knowing more about the machine and OS you're running Mora on.