Afischbacher / Nhl.Api

The Official Unofficial .NET NHL API
MIT License
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Get game schedule for season #22

Closed andersme closed 2 years ago

andersme commented 2 years ago

Currently, there are a couple of methods to get the current day's schedule and by date. There are a few additional endpoints that the NHL API exposes for getting schedules. In particular I'm looking to use the endpoint that gets the schedule for a particular season in order to know what games to download for that season.

Afischbacher commented 2 years ago

Hey @andersme ,

Sure I can build that out for you for 1.7.0

I will get that into the pull request coming up in the coming days!

Thanks again

Afischbacher commented 2 years ago

Afischbacher commented 2 years ago

Released v1.70! So I will close this issue :) 👍