Afischbacher / Nhl.Api

The Official Unofficial .NET NHL API
MIT License
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HttpRequestException: is not available #41

Closed mlynarp closed 7 months ago

mlynarp commented 8 months ago

Today the nuget package stopped working and it looks like that NHL changes API endpoint.

Afischbacher commented 8 months ago

Hey @mlynarp

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, it looks like we need to do some serious remodeling of this NuGet.

I will see what the extent of the damage is sometime tonight.

Thanks again,


cook-t commented 8 months ago

Hey @Afischbacher - any update on the timeframe for the fix? Thanks!

Afischbacher commented 8 months ago

Hey @cook-t and @mlynarp

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to provide an update on the current status of the project and discuss some key decisions that need to be made.

My primary objective is to have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) up and running within the next few days, ideally by the end of this coming week. As part of this process, a new version of the NuGet package should be published.

I'm currently in the process of assessing the situation, and there are a few crucial choices that I need to make:

Versioning Strategy: Considering the significant changes in the HTTP REST endpoint, I'm contemplating the creation of a v2 for the NhlApi. This decision will impact the overall structure and functionality of the API.

Model Mapping: With potential variations in payloads due to the new endpoints, it seems inevitable that we'll need to create all-new models for effectively mapping these changes. This is a critical step to ensure seamless integration with the updated API.

I welcome your input and insights on these decisions.

Thanks everyone for understanding


mlynarp commented 8 months ago

I fully support new version v2 that makes perfect sense. For simplicity you can adapt models to better fit new API, if there is a way to retrieve same data as now.

I personally use this package to retrieve data for NHL Fantasy league on Yahoo. Mostly interested in player stats and game schedule.

It would be great to integrate also Faceoffs as I proposed in second issue.


Afischbacher commented 8 months ago

Hey @cook-t and @mlynarp,

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to share an update on the progress of the NuGet.

Regarding API versioning, a key consideration currently revolves around the uncertainty of the NHL's decision to revive or re-enable Given this, I see little merit in retaining all the old endpoints in the codebase. Resolving this involves breaking down and rebuilding the currently failing endpoints.

Complicating matters further, the original maintainer of the NHL API documentation on GitLab, Drew Hynes (, is actively working on compiling public endpoints while navigating CORS challenges. This restricts the scope of what I can implement at this time.

These changes also require me to redocument for many items in the API, demanding time and effort.

As for the timeline, my life and career are quite hectic. I understand the urgency in getting the NuGet back up and running, and I'm committed to completing it as swiftly as possible.

If anyone is willing to contribute and assist in any capacity, I'd greatly appreciate the support.

Thank you all for your understanding.

Best Regards, Andre

mlynarp commented 8 months ago


I might help you if needed but I am not aware how to solve CORS challange.

Afischbacher commented 8 months ago

Hey @mlynarp,

For now I am ok, if I need anything, I will reach out, just trying to find time to work through all the changes

mlynarp commented 7 months ago


any news or possible time frame for the API fix?

I lost three weeks in NHL Fantasy league in a row. It looks I am blind without the stats :-)

Afischbacher commented 7 months ago

Hey @mlynarp,

I apologize for the delays here, I have been dealing with the hectic nature of life. My goal now is to have this out by the end of the year, or at least an minimal viable product as soon as possible.


Afischbacher commented 7 months ago

Hello @cook-t and @mlynarp,

I wanted to share an exciting update with you. I'm actively working on a new release scheduled for the next 7 to 10 business days! I'll keep you posted as I gather more information.

While this upcoming release is set to be an MVP, it promises to keep the excitement alive as we transition into the New Year for the NHL API.

Thank you for your continued support!

Best regards, Andre

stuginho commented 7 months ago

Hey, any update? Cheers

Afischbacher commented 7 months ago

Hey @stuginho

Still pushing through it and I'm almost done within the next few days

Thanks for your patience

Afischbacher commented 7 months ago

@cook-t @stuginho @mlynarp

Hey everyone!

Looking forward to pushing out the 3.0.0 update within the next few hours!

Thanks again for all your patience!

Afischbacher commented 7 months ago

@cook-t @stuginho @mlynarp

Hello again!

The NuGet package is now live, please make updates accordingly and have fun doing it!


I will be closing this issue now!


cook-t commented 6 months ago

@Afischbacher Thanks so much for all the updates and hard work. Much appreciated!