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BASE indexing #41

Open johav opened 4 years ago

johav commented 4 years ago

can we check again for correct indexing with BASE search and OpenDOAR?

johav commented 4 years ago

support request sent to BASE team

johav commented 4 years ago

Email from Feb 24, 2020

We are indexing all kinds of academically relevant resources from repositories which use the "Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting" (OAI-PMH) for providing their contents.

You don't provide an OAI interface, but as you mentioned, some documents from your source are included in Zenodo (and also in DataCite) and so you can find these documents in BASE, because we index Zenodo and DataCite regularly. You can get a list of all indexed documents from your repository via this url:

To get all documents from Africarxiv indexed in BASE, you can upload all of them to Zenodo / DataCite or you have to provide an OAI interface for your source (do to this you can use repository software like DSpace or Eprints: If your repository provides an OAI interface just leave us a message and provide us the basic URL of the OAI interface of your repository.

Best regards

Sebastian Wolf

-- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)