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Organize OpenTechSchool at the NLab #101

Closed anagromataf closed 10 years ago

anagromataf commented 10 years ago

@xMartin Can you help me out with this?

anagromataf commented 10 years ago

The reply from Wilhelm:

About the students some of them are real good in Java while few of them are beginners. I have emailed all of them giving them advices of nourishing their JavaScript Concept. What else I am I suppose to prepare them with? most of them are asking what we are going to do on that day, they are very excited.

xMartin commented 10 years ago

We could do JavaScript for beginners but it is actually for a whole day or even for a whole weekend. We still have some time so we can come up with something. I'm sure we will get help by the OpenTechSchool community.

Alternatively we can do a "Social Coding with Git and GitHub" class which is already there and reportedly is really good and half a day should work.