AfricaHackTrip / website-before-trip

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write an abstract for an association, that we might become a project of #39

Closed gr2m closed 11 years ago

gr2m commented 11 years ago

Hey guys,

a friend of mine is involved into a tech-related association and tomorrow he'll meet his accountant. I just had a call with him and in theory, we could become an official project of this association, so sponsors could transfer their money to support us.

What he needs is an abstract of our project, highlighting our tech/community/non-profit approach.

I'm crazy busy today, but he needs it by tomorrow. Can anybody prepare something, please?

gr2m commented 11 years ago

thanks :-)


The Africa Hack Trip is a group of developers and participants from related areas (Design, Blogging, Management etc.) based in Europe and US who have worked in international software projects for many years with a strong focus on Open Source. Within these projects none of the team members have ever collaborated with developers or development communities from the African continent.

Based on the increasing coverage tech hubs and startups from Africa are receiving worldwide the team became curious to learn more on the emerging developer communities and innovation coming out of Africa.

The Africa Hack Trip will be visiting 4 major cities in East Africa and meeting up with the development communities on location. To do so appointments will be made in preparation for the trip with communities and major stakeholders.

This in mind the aim of Africa Hack Trip is to understand how developments are performed, what tools and programming languages are used as well as at what level development skills lie within the African communities. At the same time the team would like to share and exchange ideas on development methods and approaches at eye level.

Apart from the team itself Africa Hack Trip aims to incorporate partners and sponsors who are likewise interested in learning more about the African developer communities as well as exchanging ideas and helping create awareness for the resources on the continent.

The longterm goal is to create a network of developers and tech people from related areas across continents supporting the African developer communities in creating a greater presence in the international playing field.

The Africa Hack Trip is a non-profit project.