Agasper / unity-android-notifications

Unity3D Plugin for Android local notifications with example project
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BigTextStyle #118

Open isaac99kr opened 6 years ago

isaac99kr commented 6 years ago

First of all, thank you so much for developers. I love this plugin.

I found a little thing, please confirm my recommendation. When I use this with long text, message is ended with ... and cannot read the whole text. I added a line

.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(message));

where set NotificationCompat.Builder.

I refered


isaac99kr commented 5 years ago

this part is the solution what i did.

I added a line

.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(message));

where set NotificationCompat.Builder.

and i rebuild a Jar file.


nimdanet commented 5 years ago

If anyone wants a modified .jar with big text (@isaac99kr solution) I'm attaching it.

nimdanet commented 5 years ago

And thanks for the solution @isaac99kr you saved me some problems :D