Agasper / unity-android-notifications

Unity3D Plugin for Android local notifications with example project
557 stars 184 forks source link

Using NotificationCompat.Builder instead of Notification.Builder #49

Closed behzad-mehrtash closed 7 years ago

behzad-mehrtash commented 7 years ago

Hello!! I have imported the android project in Android studio and tried building it using Gradle build tool. as a result, I got an Android .AAR file and it worked perfectly with unity. Now, I'm trying to use new NotificationCompat.Builder in android code instead of Notification.Builder. but this requires using android-support-v4. this means that I should add a new dependency to file to include the android support library inside my .AAR file which I did. the problem is Gradle does not include the android-support-v4 in .AAR file and I cannot add the android-support-v4.jar to Unity. I would really appreciate any help.

Agasper commented 7 years ago

Please check the new version