Agda-zh / PLFA-zh

《编程语言基础:Agda 描述》,Programming Language Foundations in Agda 中文版
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翻译规范 #1

Open OlingCat opened 5 years ago

OlingCat commented 5 years ago

翻译原则可参考 Agda/Idris 文档翻译规范


翻译通常以段落为基本单位。译者将原文围在 <!----> 之间注释掉后,在下方空一行再进行翻译。考虑到中文斜体的渲染问题,英文原文中出现的 _text_ 在翻译时需改为 **文本**,特殊格式需要在两侧留下空格以便正确解析。例如:

Now that we've defined the naturals and operations upon them, our next
step is to learn how to prove properties that they satisfy.  As hinted
by their name, properties of _inductive datatypes_ are proved by

如其名称所示,**归纳数据类型(inductive datatype)**是通过**归纳(induction)**





We require equality as in the previous chapter, plus the naturals
and some operations upon them.  We also import a couple of new operations,
`cong`, `sym`, and `_≡⟨_⟩_`, which are explained below:

`cong`、`sym` 和 `_≡⟨_⟩_`,之后会解释它们:



* _Identity_.   Operator `+` has left identity `0` if `0 + n ≡ n`, and
  right identity `0` if `n + 0 ≡ n`, for all `n`. A value that is both
  a left and right identity is just called an identity. Identity is also
  sometimes called _unit_.

* _Associativity_.   Operator `+` is associative if the location
  of parentheses does not matter: `(m + n) + p ≡ m + (n + p)`,
  for all `m`, `n`, and `p`.

* _Commutativity_.   Operator `+` is commutative if order of
  arguments does not matter: `m + n ≡ n + m`, for all `m` and `n`.

* _Distributivity_.   Operator `*` distributes over operator `+` from the
  left if `(m + n) * p ≡ (m * p) + (n * p)`, for all `m`, `n`, and `p`,
  and from the right if `m * (p + q) ≡ (m * p) + (m * q)`, for all `m`,
  `p`, and `q`.

* **幺元(Identity)**。对于所有的 `n`,若 `0 + n ≡ n`,则 `+` 有左幺元 `0`;
  若 `n + 0 ≡ n`,则 `+` 有右幺元 `0`。同时为左幺元和右幺元的值称简称幺元。

* **结合律(Associativity)**。若括号的位置无关紧要,则称运算符 `+` 满足结合律,
  即对于所有的 `m`、`n` 和 `p`,有 `(m + n) + p ≡ m + (n + p)`。

* **交换律(Commutativity)**。若参数的位置无关紧要,则称运算符 `+` 满足交换律,
  即对于所有的 `m` 和 `n`,有 `m + n ≡ n + m`。

* **分配率(Distributivity)**。对于所有的 `m`、`n` 和 `p`,若
  `(m + n) * p ≡ (m * p) + (n * p)`,则运算符 `*` 对运算符 `+` 满足左分配率;
  对于所有的 `m`、`n` 和 `p`,若 `m * (p + q) ≡ (m * p) + (m * q)`,则满足右分配率。




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-- 请将代码写在此处。

OlingCat commented 5 years ago

如果你用 VSCode,那么可以安装我自用的一个简单扩展: 安装完成后在 VSCode 的配置里添加

    "trans.enclose": {
        "": {
            "start": "<!--",
            "end": "-->"

然后光标放在想要翻译的段落中,按下 Alt-D,就会把当前段落注释掉,在下面复制一份。 例如:

This chapter introduces negation, and discusses intuitionistic
and classical logic.

然后把光标放到该段落中的任意位置,按下 Alt-D 后会变成:

This chapter introduces negation, and discusses intuitionistic
and classical logic.

This chapter introduces negation, and discusses intuitionistic
and classical logic.
fangyi-zhou commented 3 years ago

在 plfa 的排版系统改成 Hakyll 过后,注释改成了 <!---->