Agence-DnD / DnD-MagentoConnectorBundle

Connecteur Magento pour le PIM Akeneo
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DnD-MagentoConnectorBundle options not availble when creating export-profile #40

Open dm-becker opened 9 years ago

dm-becker commented 9 years ago

hi everyone,

i have a problem with the DnD-MagentoConnectorBundle.
I installed the extension exactly as told in the README:

Unfortunately when i login into the akeneo account, and then click on "new export profile", it does not offer me the DnD-MagentoConnectorBundle Options.

Im not very familiar with composer yet, but what could maybe be a reason, is that the output-shell while updating composer does not mention the MagentoConnector Bundle.


I would appreciate it, if someone could give me a clue where the error could be.


gregos commented 9 years ago

only need to clear the cache :

php app/console cache:clear -e prod

DnD-Mimosa commented 9 years ago

Hi @PeterBeckerDM,

Did you cleared the cache of your Akeneo PIM ? Then, were you able to see the differents exports in your interface ?

Regards, Florian.

gregos commented 9 years ago

yes on the akeneo PIM server , you can clear the cache with this :

php app/console cache:clear -e prod

kuldeepemol commented 6 years ago

I am not able to see the DnD Magento Connector Bundle in the export profile as well. I did remove the cache using php app/console cache:clear -e prod.

screen shot 2017-10-31 at 2 37 53 pm

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hello @kuldeepemol,

It seems you are using an Akeneo 1.6 or 1.7. Dnd Magento Connector Bundle is deprecated since the Enhanced Connector was released by Akeneo.

Please use the Enhanced Connector to export your attributes and families and the native PIM export for others entities.



kuldeepemol commented 6 years ago

Hello Benjamin,

Thank you for the prompt response. Can PimGento handle export done using Enhanced Connector and native PIM? If so, can this be automated? It would be great if you can point me in the right direction to automate the process of export (from Akeneo) and import (to Magento).

Best, Kuldeep

ghost commented 6 years ago


Yes PIMGento handle it. If you want to automate the process you need a middleware or a specific development to move exported files from your Akeneo server to your Magento server as Akeneo does not provide sftp export and PIMGento does not provide sftp import for csv files (but it's something we want to add in the future).

