AgentOps-AI / agentops

Python SDK for agent monitoring, LLM cost tracking, benchmarking, and more. Integrates with most LLMs and agent frameworks like CrewAI, Langchain, and Autogen
MIT License
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add codecov bot #263

Closed bboynton97 closed 1 week ago

bboynton97 commented 1 week ago

adds an action to run codecov on all PRs

codecov[bot] commented 1 week ago

Welcome to Codecov :tada:

Once you merge this PR into your default branch, you're all set! Codecov will compare coverage reports and display results in all future pull requests.

:information_source: You can also turn on project coverage checks and project coverage reporting on Pull Request comment

Thanks for integrating Codecov - We've got you covered :open_umbrella: