AgentRev / WindowsAppsUnfukker

PowerShell script to fix WindowsApps-related permission errors and crashes.
The Unlicense
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no effect #41

Open noderministicsingularity opened 2 months ago

noderministicsingularity commented 2 months ago

i KNOW your script work because i sucessfully used it to fix my system in the past (even kept a copy in my external drive. )

i recently fucked the folder up again (i wanted to delete 7gb of skype instaler that no one on this planet use but microsoft keep having us download)

but now, neither the old script back or the new version of your script work. i literaly ran every version of it. every single apps still don't work (tipical cues are windows photo trowing errors about jpeg not existing and microsoft store not oppening)

and i disgust the idea that even if i reset windows or migrate to windows 11 the issue might persist. leaving me with potentialy having to buy a 2nd nvme, plug it in my machine. instaling windows on that 2nd nvme. then migrating my user folder and date from 1 drive to the other. (potentialy finding myself with no functional machine for a few week.

hm.... come to think of it. with the price of nvme today i might do that and turn the previous nvme into a mountain of virtual memory by asighing 900 gb of virtual memory on it trought the system.

this seem like a massive oversight that sfc/scannow or dism or system restore doesnt fix system folders permission.

so i can't fix my windowsapps folder. even tough i have the technical knowledge to do so and the wilingness to.

this script sadly might have to be temporarily advertised as non-functional until it work.

(by the way, paexec is a typo. its minor but if left there, it will create even more confusion.)