AggressivelyMeows / SponsusFeaturesAndBugs

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Minor UI bug megathread (May 2020) #75

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

I've gone ahead and combed the entire site for UI errors as a user with the following:

Here's what I found.

  1. Immediately on the homepage, the new dropdown menu is missing. Once you click on the page title, it suddenly appears and opens by itself as you navigate to the About page itself. The Discover button also turns white, and stays that way even when you hit the Back button on your browser.

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  1. Even as a logged-in user, the call-to-action on the homepage says "Create an account" even though I already have one. This issue is also present with the "Join now" links scattered all over the About page, even though I'm already logged in. (There's also a "Create account" button at the bottom of the homepage, the information page for the Discover feature, and the bottom of the Discover page itself.) A good workaround for this would be to make the Dashboard or Feed the homepage for logged-in users.

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  1. The "Find out more!" link for the new Discovery tool on the homepage takes me to an information page about Gifting.

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  1. The gift codes panel on the homepage links to that same page (which is the correct page,) but it loads at the page scrolled all the way down instead of including the top header. This also seems to happen to a few other pages as well, such as accessing the "Our brand" page in the sitemap footer, or clicking on any creator in the Discover page.

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  1. Clicking any of the three links in the About menu doesn't make the menu go away, only moving the mouse completely away does.


  1. The sitemap footer is missing on the Terms of Service page.


  1. There are leftover notices on the Community Guidelines page from almost a year ago, specifically the one in red.


  1. On the branding page, the "Logo in black" should probably have a white background for dark theme users. (This particular suggestion is just a nitpick though)


  1. The "Click here to apply!" action on the sign-in page should somehow mention that the link is going to take you to the Discord server, as opposed to a form on the website.


  1. "Bugs and Features" should not be categorized as social media. Instead, this link should probably be turned into its own section or button with the call-to-action of "Report bugs" and/or "Suggest features."


  1. The Twitter link in the sitemap is outdated. It leads to this non-existent Twitter account.


  1. On the Discord bot page, the bot's icon is missing.


  1. In the Developers area, the Webhooks icon is not dark theme-friendly.


  1. On the Developers page, the footer sitemap is missing.


  1. Clicking on any of the top three icons will glitch into light theming until the browser is refreshed.


  1. Clicking on Dashboard from the dropdown menu while already on the dashboard mistakenly leads to instead of The same happens with clicking the Dashboard icon.

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  1. See issue #70 ...

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  1. Another optional nitpick- there's a horizontal scrollbar under the cancellation panels when there's nothing to scroll to.


  1. The checkboxes on the Draft Posts screen don't do anything, as the actions to take on each post are still listed individually. Did you mean to add an option to delete selected drafts?


  1. Spamming buttons for actions that need confirmation creates infinite modals.


  1. On the Payment methods page, there's a dead link to some sort of "audit log" at the end of the paragraph. The URL leads to /dashboard/audit_log, a page that does not exist.


  1. There's a nice option to give sponsorship perks (or boost an existing sponsorship) for one-time donators. There should be some clarification on the DonateBox page to which sponsorship tier a one-time donator could get, and for how long.

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  1. The DonateBox text box's font doesn't load.


  1. Adding to 22, clarify the text underneath the donation button. I donated $1 without an active sponsorship thinking I would get all the same perks of the cheapest sponsor tier but for a shorter amount of time, when that might not be how this works. Also, there should be text saying how many days left are in my currently active sponsorship, as I sponsored u/lawfulmasses/ and immediately cancelled it so I could sponsor for only a month, but there is no status text whatsoever saying which tier is active and how long I have of it left.


  1. For the tier creation screen, the Create button disappears when you switch to the Advanced tab.


  1. On the same page, the settings panel to enable Gifting for a tier doesn't appear until after you create it.

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  1. Upon completing Stripe registration, I get taken back to the Socials tab for Discord settings. It appears the redirect attempted to take me to /dashboard/socials/stripe.


  1. Navigating back to the Payment Methods page manually now shows no way for me to configure my connected Stripe account. It's just an empty void.


  1. Connecting my Patreon account takes me to this screen, with text that might need updating...


  1. After connecting my Patreon, I get this text that says "None" on the page.


  1. On the Teams page, there are help links that go to an abanoned Sponsus profile, u/guide. These leftover help accounts should have their links and help guides migrated to the Knowledgebase.

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  1. Same deal as 31- the Markdown guide for posts should also be migrated to the Knowledgebase and not a post on u/sponsus.

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Anything else I didn't mention may already be in the bug tracker as a separate issue.

ghost commented 4 years ago
  1. On the Payment Methods page (and also the normal sponsorship payment page,) the Stripe panel incorrectly displays the Discover card logo, even though Sponsus can't accept their cards.


ghost commented 4 years ago
  1. A disclaimer should be added to the yellow box on the page mentioned in issue 28: on a sponsor's credit card bill, the hometown of a creator will be displayed.


ghost commented 4 years ago
  1. The tags menu count is stuck at (0) regardless if your posts have tags or not.


ghost commented 4 years ago
  1. The shades of blue have mistakenly-swapped labels on the branding page.


  1. You can't disconnect your Discord account without picking a server. This will be a problem for sponsors that want to disconnect their account, but don't own any servers. Moved to #77


ghost commented 4 years ago
  1. Whenever donating to or sponsoring a creator, this screen briefly pops up. The white background on the gif should be removed.


Konayachi commented 4 years ago
  1. Small misalignment on the buttons. Occur when you are trying to see a post under tier lock and you are not sponsoring the creator.
