Aghasemian / CommunityFitNet

This page is a companion for our paper on overfitting and underfitting of community detection methods on real networks, written by Amir Ghasemian, Homa Hosseinmardi, and Aaron Clauset. (arXiv:1802.10582)
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About the weight matrix of each graph #6

Open QinyaoGuo opened 1 year ago

QinyaoGuo commented 1 year ago

Hi Professor,

I was wondering if the dataframe includes a weight matrix for each graph. I have looked through every column, but I couldn't find the weight matrix. Could you please let me know if the weight matrix is present in the dataframe or not? If it is, could you guide me to where I can find it? If not, is there any other source where I can obtain the weight matrix?

Thank you!

Aghasemian commented 8 months ago

Do you mean weighted graphs by weight matrix? The data provided is only for unweighted graphs (meaning even weighted graphs are binarized). However, if you're interested in weighted graphs, you can check out!/.