AgileVentures / MetPlus_tracker

Git Repository for the Waffle issue in MetPlus project
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Number of openings on a specific job #693

Closed joaopapereira closed 6 years ago

joaopapereira commented 6 years ago

As a Company Person I want to be able to create a job opening So that I can hire multiple people for the same position

GIVEN I login as a Company Person WHEN I enter the create a Job page THEN I see a text field of available positions with the value 1 set by default

GIVEN I am creating a Job WHEN I change the number of available positions to 2 AND submit the create the new job THEN I visit the job application page AND I see '2 of 2 Positions available'

GIVEN I login as a Company Person WHEN I accept a Job Seeker for a Job with 2 opportunities THEN I visit the job application page AND I see '1 of 2 Positions available' AND the task to review the Job Application just accepted, should be closed

GIVEN I login as a Company Person WHEN I accept a Job Seeker for a Job with only 1 opportunity left THEN I visit the job application page AND I see '0 of 2 Positions available' AND All the Job Seeker applications should have been rejected AND all the tasks to review Job Applications for that job should be closed

Note: A job with 0 open positions should not accept new applications.