AgnosticUI / agnosticui

AgnosticUI is a set of UI primitives that start their lives in clean HTML and CSS. These standards compliant components are then copied to our framework implementations in: React, Vue 3, Angular, and Svelte.
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[Svelte] <Input> on:input event is not being propagated #237

Open howesteve opened 2 years ago

howesteve commented 2 years ago

So as the title says. The component is "eating" the "on:input" events.

If I try to use this:

  on:input={(e) => {
      // never called

... callback is never called and nothing is print. Tracking down the source, I can see this is caused by this line:

... which is not propagating the event. I was hoping to implement a "validate-on-type" using \<Input\/>.

Is this a bug or desired behavior?

Thanks, Howe

edwinwong commented 1 year ago

Hi, I looked into this and think I've fixed it. It looks like lines 392-420 of Input.svelte used: value={value} on:input={e => value =} rather than bind:value.

This because type is dynamic in: type={inputType} so two-way binding through bind:value can't be used. It looks like this manual two-way binding doesn't bubble the manually created on:input event.

My commit changes line 342: $: inputType = type; to a use directive: function typeAction(node) { node.type = type; } so that the type of the inputs can be assigned non-dynamically: <input use:typeAction> allowing for the use of bind:value.

The inputs now have a simple on:input event which appears to bubble properly.

I'm submitting a pull request, hope this is fix is correct!