Agontuk / react-native-geolocation-service

React native geolocation service for iOS and android
MIT License
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Polyline not very accurate on IOS #292

Closed HybridChronus closed 3 years ago

HybridChronus commented 3 years ago


I'm having issues with polyline accuracy specifically with IOS. Android works great and the polyline stays on the road.

Below is an example of a test drive on IOS:

Polyline issue

Despite having it set to "enableHighAccuracy" it doesn't seem to want to stay on the road. I've tried disabling the setting and then setting the accuracy myself, but it didn't change much.

My current settings for watchPosition and currentPosition: const watchOptions: GeoLocation.GeoWatchOptions = { enableHighAccuracy: true, distanceFilter: 10, interval: 5000, };

Is there a setting I'm using incorrectly or one I'm missing entirely?

Thank you.

LightKnight3r commented 3 years ago

i suggest you should use google api to fix routes(snap-to-road)