AgonyTeam / Agony

The Agony of Isaac, a WIP mod for The Binding of Isaac : Afterbirth Plus!
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Basic Guide for Eternal Danger-Values #506

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

As of 1.6.2017 the danger values for non-eternals are calculated dynamically like this:

if enemy:IsVulnerableEnemy() then
    --If Enemy is vulnerable
    danger = enemy.MaxHitPoints + 5
    --If Enemy is invincible set danger to 5
    danger = 5

if enemy.CollisionDamage == 0 then
    --If the Enemy doesn't damage on touch
    danger = danger * 0.5

Here is a list of non-eternal danger-values for orientation:

Fly = 4 (Halved because a Fly doesn't damage you on touch)
Attack Fly = 10
Spider = 11.5
Horf = 15
Small Crazy Long Legs = 17
Crazy Long Legs = 21
(Red/Drowned) Boom Fly = 25

Eternals should normally have a higher danger-value than their normal counterparts. But make it too high and the FairnessSystem will probably never spawn it.

Here is an example for the Eternal Spider.


I gave it a danger-value which is just 2.5 higher than a normal spider because the Eternal Spider isn't much more dangerous.

Now the Eternal Boom Fly is something else entirely. It is much more dangerous than a normal Boom Fly.

Agony:AddEternal(EntityType.ENTITY_BOOMFLY,0,"Boom Fly", 34)

I gave it a danger-value which is 9 higher than a normal Boom Fly.

I will further tweak the FairnessSystem so values will probably change and other factors like floor-type will play a role in the future.

dedChar commented 7 years ago

Dude we have a wiki you know

dedChar commented 7 years ago

Better put it there

dedChar commented 7 years ago

Moved to wiki