AgoraIO-Community / Agora-Flutter-Quickstart

Quickstart guide for the Agora Flutter SDK(Android/iOS)
MIT License
506 stars 194 forks source link

Can't share the same channel using two different devices #50

Closed matheusmota3242 closed 4 years ago

matheusmota3242 commented 4 years ago

I cloned the project from Agora/Flutter repository and then I ran the same program on two devices (android emulator and Redmi 7). The problem is because when I type the channel on a device it opens the call (ok) then I type the same text on another device it's like another channel has been created --> they dont't share the channel splitting their screen.

Flutter doctor:

`Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v): [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.7.8+hotfix.4, on Linux, locale pt_BR.UTF-8) [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.0) [!] Android Studio (version 3.4) ✗ Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality. ✗ Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality. [✓] VS Code (version 1.36.1) [✓] Connected device (2 available)

! Doctor found issues in 1 category.`


`def localProperties = new Properties() def localPropertiesFile = rootProject.file('') if (localPropertiesFile.exists()) { localPropertiesFile.withReader('UTF-8') { reader -> localProperties.load(reader) } }

def flutterRoot = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.sdk') if (flutterRoot == null) { throw new GradleException("Flutter SDK not found. Define location with flutter.sdk in the file.") }

def flutterVersionCode = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionCode') if (flutterVersionCode == null) { flutterVersionCode = '1' }

def flutterVersionName = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionName') if (flutterVersionName == null) { flutterVersionName = '1.0' }

apply plugin: '' apply from: "$flutterRoot/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle"

android { compileSdkVersion 28

lintOptions {
    disable 'InvalidPackage'

defaultConfig {
    // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID (
    applicationId "com.example.agoraflutterquickstart"
    minSdkVersion 16
    targetSdkVersion 28
    versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
    versionName flutterVersionName
    testInstrumentationRunner ""

    // Use code below for production build
    // For debug mode you need to comment above lines of code
    // Issue with ''
    ndk {
        abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86' ,'arm64-v8a'

buildTypes {
    release {
        // TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build.
        // Signing with the debug keys for now, so `flutter run --release` works.
        signingConfig signingConfigs.debug


flutter { source '../..' }

dependencies { testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12' androidTestImplementation '' androidTestImplementation '' }`


`<manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.example.agoraflutterquickstart">

<!-- The INTERNET permission is required for development. Specifically,
     flutter needs it to communicate with the running application
     to allow setting breakpoints, to provide hot reload, etc.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />

<!-- is an that
     calls FlutterMain.startInitialization(this); in its onCreate method.
     In most cases you can leave this as-is, but you if you want to provide
     additional functionality it is fine to subclass or reimplement
     FlutterApplication and put your custom class here. -->
        <!-- This keeps the window background of the activity showing
             until Flutter renders its first frame. It can be removed if
             there is no splash screen (such as the default splash screen
             defined in @style/LaunchTheme). -->
            android:value="true" />
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>



name: agora_flutter_quickstart description: A new Flutter project.

version: 1.0.0+1

environment: sdk: ">=2.0.0-dev.68.0 <3.0.0"

dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter

cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2 agora_rtc_engine: permission_handler:

dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter


uses-material-design: true `


`Using hardware rendering with device Android SDK built for x86. If you get graphics artifacts, consider enabling software rendering with "--enable-software-rendering". Launching lib/main.dart on Redmi Note 7 in debug mode... Initializing gradle... 0,6s Resolving dependencies... 1,3s Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... Done 1,4s Built build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk. Launching lib/main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode... Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... Done 12,5s Built build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk. Installing build/app/outputs/apk/app.apk... 1,9s D/EGL_emulation( 7025): eglMakeCurrent: 0xe83855a0: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xe8383720) I/Choreographer( 7025): Skipped 53 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. D/EGL_emulation( 7025): eglMakeCurrent: 0xe83855a0: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xe8383720) D/EGL_emulation( 7025): eglMakeCurrent: 0xe6926f40: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xd00877a0) I/OpenGLRenderer( 7025): Davey! duration=942ms; Flags=1, IntendedVsync=7277932346150, Vsync=7278815679448, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=7278826050994, AnimationStart=7278826120675, PerformTraversalsStart=7278827271328, DrawStart=7278831537179, SyncQueued=7278832803570, SyncStart=7278838923459, IssueDrawCommandsStart=7278839023693, SwapBuffers=7278848193718, FrameCompleted=7278881338849, DequeueBufferDuration=18144000, QueueBufferDuration=112000, Syncing files to device Redmi Note 7... 1.343ms Syncing files to device Android SDK built for x86... 1.152ms

🔥 To hot reload changes while running, press "r". To hot restart (and rebuild state), press "R". An Observatory debugger and profiler on Redmi Note 7 is available at: An Observatory debugger and profiler on Android SDK built for x86 is available at: For a more detailed help message, press "h". To detach, press "d"; to quit, press "q". W/Settings( 7025): Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value. E/BluetoothAdapter( 7025): Bluetooth binder is null E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns1" E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns2" E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns3" E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns4" D/ ( 7025): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xcee2ecc0, tid 7067 E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns1" E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns2" E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns3" E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns4" D/WEBRTCN( 7025): SetRenderAndroidVM D/ ( 7025): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xc6fffe40, tid 7077 D/EGL_emulation( 7025): eglCreateContext: 0xcbac9ca0: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2 E/BluetoothAdapter( 7025): Bluetooth binder is null E/BluetoothAdapter( 7025): Bluetooth binder is null E/BluetoothAdapter( 7025): Bluetooth binder is null I/chatty ( 7025): uid=10089(com.example.agoraflutterquickstart) identical 4 lines E/BluetoothAdapter( 7025): Bluetooth binder is null E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns1" E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns2" E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns3" E/libc ( 7025): Access denied finding property "net.dns4" D/EGL_emulation( 7025): eglMakeCurrent: 0xcbac9ca0: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xc932aac0) I/AGORA_SDK( 7025): Surface changed to width 1080 height 843 D/EGL_emulation( 7025): eglMakeCurrent: 0xe6926f40: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xd00877a0) W/VideoCapabilities( 7025): Unrecognized profile 4 for video/hevc I/VideoCapabilities( 7025): Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es I/CameraManagerGlobal( 7025): Connecting to camera service D/gralloc_ranchu( 7025): gralloc_unregister_buffer: exiting HostConnection (is buffer-handling thread) D/ ( 7025): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xcee2ecc0, tid 7067 D/gralloc_ranchu( 7025): gralloc_unregister_buffer: exiting HostConnection (is buffer-handling thread) E/RtcEngine( 7025): onEvent: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference D/ ( 7025): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xc8e54780, tid 7072 W/Thread-53( 7025): type=1400 audit(0.0:78): avc: denied { node_bind } for scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c89,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:node:s0 tclass=rawip_socket permissive=0 D/gralloc_ranchu( 7025): gralloc_unregister_buffer: exiting HostConnection (is buffer-handling thread) D/ ( 7025): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xc8e54780, tid 7072 D/gralloc_ranchu( 7025): gralloc_unregister_buffer: exiting HostConnection (is buffer-handling thread) D/ ( 7025): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xc8e54780, tid 7072 D/EGL_emulation( 7025): eglMakeCurrent: 0xe6926f40: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xd00877a0) D/WEBRTCN( 7025): StartRender: thread started: 3286243696 D/ ( 7025): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xc8fff500, tid 7099 D/EGL_emulation( 7025): eglCreateContext: 0xc8fa1ba0: maj 2 min 0 rcv 2 D/EGL_emulation( 7025): eglMakeCurrent: 0xc8fa1ba0: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xd01626a0) I/AGORA_SDK( 7025): Surface changed to width 1080 height 1584 D/EGL_emulation( 7025): eglMakeCurrent: 0xe6926f40: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xd00877a0) D/ ( 7025): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xcee2ecc0, tid 7067 D/ ( 7025): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xc8d7dc00, tid 7100 D/ ( 7025): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xe83a06c0, tid 7040 W/Settings(24652): Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value. I/AudioManager(24652): In isBluetoothScoOn(), calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns1" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns2" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns3" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns4" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns1" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns2" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns3" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns4" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "" W/utterquickstart(24652): type=1400 audit(0.0:57823): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=12717 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c93,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 D/WEBRTCN(24652): SetRenderAndroidVM I/AGORA_SDK(24652): Surface changed to width 1080 height 1291 I/AudioManager(24652): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart I/AudioManager(24652): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart I/AudioManager(24652): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart I/AudioManager(24652): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: false, calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart I/AudioManager(24652): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: true, calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart I/AudioManager(24652): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart I/AudioManager(24652): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart I/AudioManager(24652): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart I/AudioManager(24652): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart I/AudioManager(24652): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.example.agoraflutterquickstart E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns1" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns2" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns3" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "net.dns4" W/VideoCapabilities(24652): Unsupported mime video/divx W/VideoCapabilities(24652): Unsupported mime video/divx311 W/VideoCapabilities(24652): Unsupported mime video/divx4 W/VideoCapabilities(24652): Unrecognized profile 4 for video/hevc W/VideoCapabilities(24652): Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2 W/VideoCapabilities(24652): Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2 I/VideoCapabilities(24652): Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es W/Utils (24652): could not parse long range '175-174' I/CameraManagerGlobal(24652): Connecting to camera service E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "" I/chatty (24652): uid=10349(com.example.agoraflutterquickstart) Thread-28 identical 1 line E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "" W/CameraManagerGlobal(24652): [soar.cts] ignore the status update of camera: 2 E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "" W/CameraManagerGlobal(24652): [soar.cts] ignore the status update of camera: 3 E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "" W/Thread-27(24652): type=1400 audit(0.0:57824): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=12717 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c93,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "" W/CameraManagerGlobal(24652): ignore the torch status update of camera: 3 W/Thread-27(24652): type=1400 audit(0.0:57825): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=12717 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c93,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 W/Binder:24652_2(24652): type=1400 audit(0.0:57830): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=12717 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c93,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 E/RtcEngine(24652): onEvent: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "" E/libc (24652): Access denied finding property "" I/Adreno (24652): DequeueBuffer: dequeueBuffer failed I/Adreno (24652): DequeueBuffer: dequeueBuffer failed I/Adreno (24652): DequeueBuffer: dequeueBuffer failed W/OpenGLRenderer(24652): swapBuffers encountered EGL error 12301 on 0x73532b2f80, halting rendering... D/WEBRTCN(24652): StartRender: thread started: 1223644400 I/AGORA_SDK(24652): Surface changed to width 1080 height 1976 E/RtcEngine( 7025): onEvent: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference E/RtcEngine(24652): onEvent: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference `

ykaito21 commented 4 years ago

@matheusmota3242, Did you solve the problem? I think I'm facing the same issue.

matheusmota3242 commented 4 years ago

@matheusmota3242, Did you solve the problem? I think I'm facing the same issue.

@ykaito21 I closed this issue because I noticed that my network was blocked. Have you made sure of this? Are you using a private network?

mrcool17 commented 4 years ago

i am still facing same issu..

Access denied finding property "" E/libc (10304): Access denied finding property ""

mikeks commented 4 years ago

The same problem here but only on some networks

mikeks commented 4 years ago

We are using Agora SDK on Android. io.agora.rtc:full-sdk:3.0.0 Everything works for me on 2 devices, but when my friend tries to connect from his phone from other network, he got the error in question.

LichKing-2234 commented 4 years ago

@mikeks We need the SDK log.

AxesandGrinds commented 4 years ago

Is there any update on this? Having the same error.

MoustafaElsaghier commented 4 years ago

same issue, any update?

LichKing-2234 commented 4 years ago

@AxesandGrinds @MoustafaElsaghier Could you pls give more infomation? Such as screen shots or SDK log.

asongkai commented 3 years ago

Same issue

W/Settings(21209): Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
I/AudioManager(21209): In isBluetoothScoOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
D/BluetoothHeadset(21209): Binding service...
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
W/PlatformViewsController(21209): Creating a virtual display of size: [1080, 2280] may result in problems( is larger than the device screen size: [1080, 2201].
I/flutter (21209): Log added with id 36 in Hive db
V/ViewRootImpl(21209): The specified message queue synchronization  barrier token has not been posted or has already been removed
I/AGORA_SDK(21209): Surface changed to width 1080 height 2280
D/*WEBRTCN*(21209): SetRenderAndroidVM
I/AudioManager(21209): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager(21209): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager(21209): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager(21209): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: false, calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager(21209): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: true, calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager(21209): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager(21209): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager(21209): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager(21209): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager(21209): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    (21209): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
E/RtcEngine(21209): onEvent: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
E/RtcEngine(21209): onEvent: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
D/*WEBRTCN*(21209): StartRender: thread started: 780627280
E/RtcEngine(21209): onEvent: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
I/chatty  (21209): uid=10323(com.oudomsup.ocwa) Thread-687 identical 1 line
E/RtcEngine(21209): onEvent: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
E/RtcEngine(21209): onEvent: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.HashMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
LichKing-2234 commented 3 years ago

@asongkai could you provide more information?

LichKing-2234 commented 3 years ago

such as a screenshot or our SDK log.

asongkai commented 3 years ago

Which part of screenshot you need? what I post is error in the console/debug log and the video won't show

LichKing-2234 commented 3 years ago

@asongkai you can refer to setLogFile

asongkai commented 3 years ago


I saw a doc mentioned above getting SDK log And I set in my code:

/// Create agora sdk instance and initialize
  Future<void> _initAgoraRtcEngine() async {
    engine = await RtcEngine.create(APP_ID);
    await engine.enableVideo();
    await engine.setParameters("{\"rtc.log_filter\": 65535}");
    await engine.setParameters(
    await engine.joinChannel(null,, null, 0);

Console Log

I/flutter ( 5986): Log added with id 93 in Hive db
E/SensorManager( 5986): registerListenerImpl sensorName:BMI160_ACCELEROMETER Accelerometer Non-wakeup,isWakeUpSensor:false,callingApp: com.oudomsup.ocwa,callingPid:5986,callingUid:10323
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isBluetoothScoOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
D/BluetoothHeadset( 5986): Binding service...
D/agora-jni( 5986): android bridge create done...
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"":1}
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"":true}
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; API call to enable video
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"rtc.log_filter":65535}
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; api call executed: rtc.log_filter err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"":{"width":320,"height":180,"frameRate":15,"bitRate":140}}
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; api call executed: err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [rp] ["rtc.force_old_channel_profile"]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [rp] res: {"rtc.force_old_channel_profile":false} 
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [ap] onParsedDns with err 0,,,,,,,, 
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:510 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    1)   5986; API call to setChannelProfile 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:974][setParameters]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add ip: to ap list
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [voet]onParsedDns is
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [voet]onParsedDns is
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [voet]onParsedDns is
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [voet]onParsedDns is
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [voet]onParsedDns is
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [voet]onParsedDns is
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [voet]onParsedDns is
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rlbs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rlbs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rlbs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rlbs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rlbs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rlbs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rlbs]onParsedDns:
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"che.hardware_encoding":0}
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; api call executed: che.hardware_encoding err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   5986; doSetClientRole 1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:2545][queryInterface]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:974][setParameters]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:974][setParameters]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:2545][queryInterface]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:974][setParameters]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:974][setParameters]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"rtc.client_role":1}
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:2895][setAudioProfile]
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; api call executed: rtc.client_role err 0, err msg is "no error"
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:974][setParameters]
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"rtc.allow_communication_fallback":true}
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; api call executed: rtc.allow_communication_fallback err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"rtc.user_set_channel_profile":0}
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; api call executed: rtc.user_set_channel_profile err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"rtc.suspend_callback_client_role_changed":false}
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; api call executed: rtc.suspend_callback_client_role_changed err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"":{"config":7,"scenario":7}}
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; audioProfile lambda: Audio Profile is set to: (config = 7, scenario = 7)
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: scenario(0):
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: 0 0 1 0 0   0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: scenario(1):
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: 1 1 1 0 0   1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: scenario(2):
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: 0 1 1 1 0   0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: scenario(3):
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: 0 0 0 0 0   0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: scenario(4):
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: 0 0 1 0 0   0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: scenario(5):
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: 1 1 1 0 0   1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:511 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: scenario(6):
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    1)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: 0 0 1 0 0   0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: scenario(7):
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: 1 1 1 1 1   1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: scenario(8):
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   6342; updateScenarioConfig: 0 0 0 0 0   0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   6342; api call executed: err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   5986; doSetClientRole 1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:2545][queryInterface]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:974][setParameters]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   5986; API call to join channel '155' uid 0, SDK ver 3.1.2 build 13924, device info 'oneplus/oneplus a6000/oneplus6/oneplus6/29/4.9.179-perf+'
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:4886][initialize]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   5986; API call to initialize rtc channel 155
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"rtc.client_role":1}
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   6342; api call executed: rtc.client_role err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:512 |    0)   5986; [AudioRoute] default routing: Speakerphone bluetooth false, current routing: Default, actual system routing: Speakerphone
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:513 |    1)   5986; [AudioRoute] reset audio routing, default routing: Speakerphone, current routing: Default, target routing: Speakerphone, actual system routing: Speakerphone
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:513 |    0)   5986; [AudioRoute] set audio output routing from Default to Speakerphone
I/AudioManager( 5986): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: false, calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager( 5986): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: true, calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:513 |    0)   5986; [AudioRoute] updateBluetoothSco sco started: false, audio route target: 3[Speakerphone] current: -1[Default], engine role: -1mUsing  false mBTHeadSetProperlySeted false
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:513 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:2545][queryInterface]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:513 |    0)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:974][setParameters]
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:513 |    0)   6342; [rp] {"":3}
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:513 |    0)   5986; [AudioRoute] audio routing changed to Speakerphone
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:513 |    0)   6342; api call executed: err 0, err msg is "no error"
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:513 |    0)   5986; [AudioRoute] Monitor start: default routing: Speakerphone, current routing: Speakerphone
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:513 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:514 |    1)   5986; [AudioRoute] default routing: Speakerphone bluetooth false, current routing: Speakerphone, actual system routing: Speakerphone
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:514 |    0)   5986; [AudioRoute] reset audio routing, default routing: Speakerphone, current routing: Speakerphone, target routing: Speakerphone, actual system routing: Speakerphone
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:514 |    0)   5986; [AudioRoute] Monitor reset: default routing: Speakerphone, current routing: Speakerphone
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:518 |    4)   5986; [API][rtc_engine_impl.cpp:1028][notifyNetworkChange]
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:519 |    1)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; doStopLastmileProbeTest
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; ***CALL BEGIN: appid:'f6****************************85' cname:'155' info:'' sid:'199BADBB952345A38234CD7AE2ABF4AF'
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; addRef of media engine, ref=1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; [che] create chat engine, ctx:0x7347b7b6d8
E/AGORA_SDK( 5986): ERROR   (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; VoiceEngine::SetAndroidObjects engine context 1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; opensl 1 android ver 29 banned level 22 scenario 7 androidHighQualitySLEnable 0
E/AGORA_SDK( 5986): ERROR   (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; VoiceEngine::SetAndroidObjects engine context 161
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; use android OPENSL device recording
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; [MYDEBUG] large group call false
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; setupMediaEngineMode(): Hardware decoding false
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; setupMediaEngineMode: mode 2
W/AGORA_SDK( 5986): WARN    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; setupMediaEngineMode: skip updateClientRole as audio engine not created, mode 2
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; engine git commit version:31d3983d35 and branch:release/3.1.2
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; [Noise Supp]: Using floating point noise suppression
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; [Noise Supp]: Using floating point noise suppression
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; set audiolayer 7
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; AudioDeviceBuffer created
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; AudioDeviceModuleImpl created
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; output: kAndroidOpenslAudio
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:519 |    0)   6342; CreatePlatformSpecificObjects opensl 1 android ver 29 banned level 22
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:520 |    1)   6342; AudioDeviceUtilityAndroid created
E/AGORA_SDK( 5986): ERROR   (10: 6:54:521 |    1)   6342; AsyncAudioDevice constructed, counter: 1
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:521 |    0)   6342; AudioDeviceExternal created
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:521 |    0)   6342; AudioDeviceBuffer::SetId(id=1)
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:521 |    0)   6342; audio jitterbuffer new smooth
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:521 |    0)   6342; Created
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:521 |    0)   6342; OutputMixer::Create(instanceId=1)
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:521 |    0)   6342; [Noise Supp]: Using floating point noise suppression
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:521 |    0)   6342; [Noise Supp]: Using floating point noise suppression
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:521 |    0)   6342; OutputMixer::OutputMixer() - ctor
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:522 |    1)   6342; OutputMixer: start audio file decoder thread successfully
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6342; ChEBaseImpl() - ctor
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6342; ChEAudioProcessingImpl::ChEAudioProcessingImpl() - ctor
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6342; ChECodecImpl() - ctor
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6342; ChEHardwareImpl() - ctor
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6342; ChENetworkImpl() - ctor
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6342; ChEVolumeControlImpl::ChEVolumeControlImpl() - ctor
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6342; VoEVideoSyncImpl::VoEVideoSyncImpl() - ctor
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6342; RegisterAudioEngineObserver(observer=0x81868440)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6342; Init()
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6342;   OS info: Android
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6388; AudioDeviceBuffer::SetPlayoutSampleRate(fsHz=48000)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6388; AudioDeviceBuffer::SetPlayoutChannels(channels=1)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6388; AudioDeviceBuffer::SetRecordingSampleRate(fsHz=48000)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:522 |    0)   6388; AudioDeviceBuffer::SetRecordingChannels(channels=1)
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:523 |    1)   6342; StereoPlayoutIsAvailable(), output: available=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; AudioDeviceBuffer::SetPlayoutChannels(channels=1)
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; StereoRecordingIsAvailable(), output: available=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; AudioDeviceBuffer::SetRecordingChannels(channels=1)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6388; AudioDeviceBuffer::SetPlayoutChannels(channels=1)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; RegisterVADCallback()
W/AGORA_SDK( 5986): WARN    (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; enableLocalRecordingDevice: enable 1 already set
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:523 |    1)   6342; EnableNearEndMusicDetection enable = 1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; setMuteStatus, muted: Off
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetNearendPitchSmootherStatus()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetMuteOutput(mute=0)
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; setMuteOutput, muted: false
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; Audio Engine Init success, mSpecMode 2
D/*WEBRTCN*( 5986): SetRenderAndroidVM
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetAndroidObjects: Registered native functions
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetAndroidObjects: register provideCameraTexture function
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetAndroidObjects: Registered native functions
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetAndroidObjects: Registered native notifyCameraFocusChanged function
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetAndroidObjects: Registered native notifyCameraExposureChanged function
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetAndroidObjects: Registered native notifyFaceDetect function
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetAndroidObjects: register isFaceDetectionEnabled function
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetAndroidObjects: register isAutoFaceFocusEnabled function
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; SetMediaCodecEncoderAndroidVM: Registered native functions
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] Model: ONEPLUS A6000
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:523 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] hardware: qcom
W/VideoCapabilities( 5986): Unsupported mime image/
W/VideoCapabilities( 5986): Unsupported mime video/divx
W/VideoCapabilities( 5986): Unsupported mime video/divx4
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:532 |    9)   5986; [AudioRoute] StartState: onEvent: 14, info: 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:533 |    1)   5986; [AudioRoute] StartState: onEvent: 3, info: 0
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:533 |    0)   5986; [AudioRoute] default routing: Speakerphone bluetooth false, current routing: Speakerphone, actual system routing: Speakerphone
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:533 |    0)   5986; [AudioRoute] reset audio routing, default routing: Speakerphone, current routing: Speakerphone, target routing: Speakerphone, actual system routing: Speakerphone
I/AudioManager( 5986): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling application: com.oudomsup.ocwa
W/VideoCapabilities( 5986): Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2
W/VideoCapabilities( 5986): Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2
W/VideoCapabilities( 5986): Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:559 |   26)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] Found candidate encoder
W/AGORA_SDK( 5986): WARN    (10: 6:54:560 |    1)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] alignment:2x2
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c06
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c04
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c00
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c09
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c0a
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c08
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c07
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7f000789
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7f420888
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x15
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] Found target encoder for mime video/avc : Color: 0x15
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; MediaCodecVideoEncoder H.264 HW Encoder support yuv.
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] Model: ONEPLUS A6000
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] hardware: qcom
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] Found candidate encoder
W/AGORA_SDK( 5986): WARN    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] alignment:2x2
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c06
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c04
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c00
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c09
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c0a
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c08
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c07
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7f000789
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x7f420888
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder]    Color: 0x15
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] Found target encoder for mime video/avc : Color: 0x7f000789
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; MediaCodecVideoEncoder H.264 HW Encoder support texture.
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoEncoder] Qualcomm HW encoder true
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; MediaCodecVideoEncoder is Qualcomm HW Encoder: true
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; MediaCodecVideoEncoder width algin:2
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; MediaCodecVideoEncoder height align:2
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; SetMediaCodecDecoderAndroidVM: Registered native functions
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoDecoder] Trying to find HW decoder for mime video/avc
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoDecoder] Found candidate decoder
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:560 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoDecoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c06
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:561 |    1)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoDecoder]    Color: 0x7f420888
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoDecoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c04
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoDecoder]    Color: 0x15
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoDecoder]    Color: 0x13
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoDecoder]    Color: 0x7fa30c05
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; [MediaCodecVideoDecoder] Found target decoder Color: 0x13
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; Available number of cores:8
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; Created
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; ViEPacker(engine_id: 0) 0x0x73199e6460 - Constructor
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; RtpReceiverImpl created
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; ViEInputManager
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; ViERenderManager::ViERenderManager(engine_id: 0) - Constructor
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; SetVideoEngineRef: VideoEngineRef = 0x24001e
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; CreateVideoSendTrack
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; videoEngine enable face detection
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; init: feature prerotation enabled
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; getNumberOfDevices GetStaticMethodId
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:561 |    0)   6342; getNumberOfDevices Calling Number of devices
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:564 |    3)   6342; Agora Engine video codec set to standard mode role mode 2
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; Agora Engine video codec index 1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; Agora Engine video stream type = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; SSRCDatabase created
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; RTPSender created
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; RTCPSender created
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; RTCPReceiver created
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MEMORY  (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; ModuleRtpRtcpImpl created
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; SetMaxTransferUnit(1300)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; SetREMBStatus(disable)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; SetGenericFECStatus(enable, 116)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; RegisterSendPayload(pl_name:H264 pl_type:107)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:564 |    0)   6342; RegisterSendPayload(pl_name:VP8 pl_type:100)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    1)   6342; SetRTCPStatus(1)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; MaxDataPayloadLength()
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; Device type: 139
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; Hardware encoding false
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; last unique frame idx: -1 - -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; Device type: 139
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; EncoderWrapper::Create hardware_ = 0, hardware_low_ = 0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; hwenc=0,hwenc_low=0,enlarge_big = 0,enlarge_small=0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; low bit rate limit 3724541952
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; dont need to increase unique frame idx
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; the init unique frame idx: -1 - -1
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; RegisterSendPayload(pl_name:H264 pl_type:107)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; SetSendingStatus(stopped)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; SetTargetSendBitrate: 1 streams
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; Sending()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; SetSendingStatus(sending)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; CurrentSendFrequencyHz()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; PacketCountSent()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; ByteCountSent()
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; setCodec: index=1 width=640 height=360 framerate=15
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:565 |   42)   6342; SendCodec type
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; SendCodec
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; setCodec: Intra Request = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; MaxDataPayloadLength()
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; Device type: 139
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; Hardware encoding false
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; last unique frame idx: -1 - -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; Device type: 139
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; EncoderWrapper::Create hardware_ = 0, hardware_low_ = 0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; hwenc=0,hwenc_low=0,enlarge_big = 0,enlarge_small=0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; low bit rate limit 3724541952
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; set last big unique frame idx: -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; set last small unique frame idx: -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; the init unique frame idx: -1 - -1
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; SendCodec
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; RegisterSendPayload(pl_name:H264 pl_type:107)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; SetSendingStatus(stopped)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; CurrentSendFrequencyHz()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; PacketCountSent()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; ByteCountSent()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; SetTargetSendBitrate: 1 streams
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; Sending()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; SetSendingStatus(sending)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; CurrentSendFrequencyHz()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; PacketCountSent()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; ByteCountSent()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; setCodec : 1 :H264
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; h264WebInteropEnable: enable 0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:565 |    0)   6342; setCaptureDevice: index=1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    1)   6342; setMaxVideoBitrate: max bitrate=0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; [setupParameterObservers:1611] setting of localViewMirrorSetting[] is invalid!
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; [operator():1623] json is invalid! value:0x0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; [operator():1669] json is invalid! value:0x0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; set lowBitRateStreamParamete w/h/fps/br (320/180/15/140)
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; setCodecResolutionLow: 320 * 180
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; setCodecFramerateLow: 15
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; setMaxVideoBitrateLow: 140
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; setCodec: index=1 width=640 height=360 framerate=15
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:566 |    1)   6342; SendCodec type
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; SendCodec
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; setCodec: Intra Request = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; MaxDataPayloadLength()
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; Device type: 139
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; Hardware encoding false
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; last unique frame idx: -1 - -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; Device type: 139
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; EncoderWrapper::Create hardware_ = 0, hardware_low_ = 0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; hwenc=0,hwenc_low=0,enlarge_big = 0,enlarge_small=0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; low bit rate limit 3724541952
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; set last big unique frame idx: -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:566 |    0)   6342; set last small unique frame idx: -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    1)   6342; the init unique frame idx: -1 - -1
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:567 |    1)   6342; SendCodec
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; RegisterSendPayload(pl_name:H264 pl_type:107)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; SetTargetSendBitrate: 1 streams
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; Sending()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; setCodec : 1 :H264
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; Setting video fec method 2, real using 2
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; SetGenericFECStatus(enable, 116)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; GenericFECStatus()
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; SetBandwidthAgressiveLevel to 3.
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; dynamic sending rate control set to 2.
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; SetMaxTransferUnit(1300)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; setVideoWatermark can't find node type
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; videoEngine enable face detection
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; GenericFECStatus()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; init
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; videoEngine created and initialize here
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; CreateVideoSendTrack
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; [MIO] updateCapturer: (0x0), type:(1)
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; CreateAgoraDefaultCapture: type=0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; VideoSendTrackImpl::UpdateCapturer capturer=0x73052efc60
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; CreateVideoCapturer: interface=0x73052efc60
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; [MIO] updateLocalRender: (0x0), type:(1)
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; CreateAgoraDefaultRender
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; VideoSendTrackImpl::UpdateRenderer, renderer=0x730504f6f0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; CreateVideoRenderer: interface=0x730504f6f0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; [MIO] video send track prepared !!
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:567 |    0)   6342; [che] applyVideoProfile: 640x360 15 fps  -1 minFps 400 kbps, min -1 kbps orientationMode 0 degradationPrefer 0 mirrorMode 0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:568 |    1)   6342; validateVideoParameters: validate video parameters resolution 640x360, fps 15, rate 400000
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    1)   6342; enableMirrorMode: enable=0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; setMaxVideoBitrate: max bitrate=400000
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; setCodecRates: set frame rate to 15
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:569 |    2)   6342; SendCodec
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; setCodec: index=1 width=640 height=360 framerate=15
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; SendCodec type
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; SendCodec
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; setCodec: Intra Request = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; MaxDataPayloadLength()
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; Device type: 139
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; Hardware encoding false
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; last unique frame idx: -1 - -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; Device type: 139
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; EncoderWrapper::Create hardware_ = 0, hardware_low_ = 0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; hwenc=0,hwenc_low=0,enlarge_big = 0,enlarge_small=0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; low bit rate limit 3724541952
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; set last big unique frame idx: -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; set last small unique frame idx: -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; the init unique frame idx: -1 - -1
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; SendCodec
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; SetTargetWidthHeight width:640, height:360
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; RegisterSendPayload(pl_name:H264 pl_type:107)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; SetTargetSendBitrate: 1 streams
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): MODCALL (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; Sending()
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): APICALL (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; setCodec : 1 :H264
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; setCodecResolution: set to 640 x 360
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; Set broadcast min br to -1.
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [che] chat engine initialized
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [time] process EngineInitialize takes 50
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; adjustCodecFrameRates: Cannot adjust frame rate when VQC is on
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [tactics]: onJoinChannel version:2000-0101 dualLinkd:0 good:0 poor:0 chanMode:0 fps:15 resolution:640X360 videoMaxBitRate:400 localDevice:0 peerDevice:0 localNetType:WIFI
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [tactics] version:3.1.2 maxBitrate:400 640X360 15 fps needHandle:1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [tactics] config json version:20150101-0000 duallinkd:true poor:0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [tactics] parse config for beckon error for tactics size:15
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [vocs]queryDns
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [base_context]queryDns domain is
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [cm] load uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [cm] load uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [cm] load uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [cm] load uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [cm] load uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [cm] load uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [cm] load uuid dns '' ip ''
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [vocs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [vocs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [vocs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [vocs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [vocs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [vocs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [vocs]onParsedDns:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [vocs] vocs initialized
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; reInit: reset mSpecMode to -1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:569 |    0)   6342; [cm] reset channelProfile to NASA(CHANNEL_PROFILE_LIVE_BROADCASTING)
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:570 |    1)   6342; add ping address
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:570 |    0)   6342; PING 16(44) bytes of data
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:570 |    0)   6342; [ep] A/recoding unknown A/playout unknown S/CPU unknown S/throughput unknown
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:571 |    1)   6342; CacheManager: save cache to storage elapsed 0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:571 |    0)   6342; [cm] emit join channel signal, size=4
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:571 |    0)   6342; [cm] connection state changed from 1 to 2
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:571 |    0)   6342; adjustCodecFrameRates: Cannot adjust frame rate when VQC is on
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:571 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:571 |    0)   6342; [tactics]: onJoinChannel version:20150101-0000 dualLinkd:1 good:20 poor:40 chanMode:0 fps:15 resolution:640X360 videoMaxBitRate:400 localDevice:0 peerDevice:0 localNetType:WIFI
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:571 |    0)   6342; [tactics] version:3.1.2 maxBitrate:400 640X360 15 fps needHandle:1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:571 |    0)   6342; [vocs] lookup channel...
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:571 |    0)   6342; [vocs] selected:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:573 |    2)   6342; tcp_client connecting
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:573 |    0)   6342; [vocs] report bitrate: a/v/t: 50/400/450
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:573 |    0)   6342; [vocs] creating channel with, ts 1602817614573.......
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:573 |    0)   6342; [vocs] selected:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:573 |    0)   6342; [vocs] report bitrate: a/v/t: 50/400/450
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:573 |    0)   6342; [vocs] creating channel with, ts 1602817614573.......
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:573 |    0)   6342; [vocs] selected:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:573 |    0)   6342; [vocs] report bitrate: a/v/t: 50/400/450
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:573 |    0)   6342; [vocs] creating channel with, ts 1602817614573.......
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:573 |    0)   6342; api call executed: rtc.api.join_channel err 0, err msg is "no error"
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:581 |    8)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:581 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:581 |    0)   6342; [rs] dns parse result code: 0, servers size: 2
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:581 |    0)   6342; [rs] onParsedDns
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:581 |    0)   6342; [rs] onParsedDns
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:581 |    0)   6342; [rs] updateServers, priority 2
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:581 |    0)   6342; [rs] updateServers, priority 2
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:581 |    0)   6342; [rs] resend report list size: 6
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:582 |    1)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:582 |    0)   6342; [cm] store uuid dns '' ip ''
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:589 |    7)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:645 |   56)   6342; [ap/u] **responsed from, TDS(64).
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:645 |    0)   6342; [ap] onAPTdsRes success with config: {"_store xdump-3.1":["A",{"rtc.enable_xdump":true,"rtc.enable_xdump_file":true,"rtc.enable_xdump_upload":true},{"retention":"15d","store":true}],"_store Opensl Test":["A",{"che.a
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:646 |    1)   6342; CacheManager: save cache to storage elapsed 1
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:646 |    0)   6342; [rp-tds-_store xdump-3.1-A] {"rtc.enable_xdump":true,"rtc.enable_xdump_file":true,"rtc.enable_xdump_upload":true}
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:646 |    0)   6342; api call executed: rtc.enable_xdump err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:646 |    0)   6342; api call executed: rtc.enable_xdump_file err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:646 |    0)   6342; api call executed: rtc.enable_xdump_upload err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:646 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:646 |    0)   6342; [rp-tds-_store Opensl Test-A] {"":false,"":true}
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:646 |    0)   6342; api call executed: err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:646 |    0)   6342; api call executed: err 0, err msg is "no error"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:646 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, too frequently, cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:679 |   33)   6342; [ap] parse address ip:, port: 8913
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:679 |    0)   6342; [ap] parse address ip:, port: 8913
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:679 |    0)   6342; [ap] parse address ip:, port: 8913
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:679 |    0)   6342; [rlbs] [report servers]:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:679 |    0)   6342; [rlbs] [report servers]:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:679 |    0)   6342; [rlbs] [report servers]:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:679 |    0)   6342; [rlbs/u] responsed from with servers
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:679 |    0)   6342; [rs] updateServers, priority 3
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:679 |    0)   6342; [rs] updateServers, priority 3
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:679 |    0)   6342; [rs] updateServers, priority 3
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:688 |    9)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:701 |   13)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:701 |    0)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:701 |    0)   6342; [nt/dt] domain is, ip is
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:701 |    0)   6342; [nt/dt] successfully add to domain
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:701 |    0)   6342; [nt/dt] domain is, ip is
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:701 |    0)   6342; [nt/dt] successfully add to domain
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:721 |   20)   6342; [ap/u] **responsed from, TDS(64).
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:725 |    4)   6342; [vocs/t] tcp create channel connected with 0x72ea4e0900
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:725 |    0)   6342; [vocs] report bitrate: a/v/t: 50/400/450
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:725 |    0)   6342; [vocs] tcp - creating channel with, ts 1602817614725.......
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:764 |   39)   6342; [ap/u] **responsed from, TDS(64).
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:790 |   26)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
E/AGORA_SDK( 5986): ERROR   (10: 6:54:829 |   39)   6342; [vocs/u] responsed from with error: 15, elapsed: 318, server ts: 1602817614775. connection aborted
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:829 |    0)   6342; [vocs] is reported failure, and will be disabled for 4000 ms
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:830 |    1)   6342; [cm] connection state changed from 2 to 5
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:890 |   60)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
E/AGORA_SDK( 5986): ERROR   (10: 6:54:896 |    6)   6342; [vocs/u] responsed from with error: 15, elapsed: 384, server ts: 1602817614776. connection aborted
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:896 |    0)   6342; [vocs] is reported failure, and will be disabled for 4000 ms
E/AGORA_SDK( 5986): ERROR   (10: 6:54:965 |   69)   6342; [vocs/t] responsed from with error: 15, elapsed: 454, server ts: 1602817614965. connection aborted
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:54:965 |    0)   6342; [vocs] is reported failure, and will be disabled for 4000 ms
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:54:989 |   24)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55: 90 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
I/flutter ( 5986): ChatRoom Visibility code is 0.0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55:191 |  101)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55:291 |  100)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55:392 |  101)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55:489 |   97)   6342; [ap] job done, timer canceled
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55:492 |    3)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55:593 |  101)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55:693 |  100)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55:792 |   99)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55:893 |  101)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:55:992 |   99)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56: 93 |    0)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:193 |  100)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
E/AGORA_SDK( 5986): ERROR   (10: 6:56:228 |   35)   6342; [vocs/u] responsed from with error: 15, elapsed: 1717, server ts: 1602817614832. connection aborted
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:294 |   66)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:395 |  101)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:496 |  101)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:571 |   75)   6342; [tactics] auido local uid(send) 0 seq 0 codec:82 rPkCount 0 sPkCount 0 netType 2 poorDevice 0           PkLst 0 frameLst 0 rtt 0 jitter 0 FEC 1:0 maxLst 0 uQos 0 dQos 0 pk_length:78 cpu:0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:571 |    0)   6342; [tactics] video local uid(send):0 seq:0 uQos:0 dQos:0 sendPk:0 rtt:0 lost:0 bwe:0 kbps:0/0 fps:0/0           qp:0 decoded:0 failed:0 render:0 resolution:0X0 diff(a/v):131802055/131802055
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:572 |    1)   6342; device 7819800, total 5514300, me 893668
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:572 |    0)   6342; [ep] audio encoder/decoder 0/0 ms/50 frames
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:572 |    0)   6342; [ep] sdk audio tx/rx time 0/0 video tx/rx time 0/0 ms/50 frames, total 0 ms
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:572 |    0)   6342; [ep] pickup i/o 0/0 timer 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:573 |    1)   6342; start duration: 2 s, calc duration: 2000 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=0, rx=0, total=0, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:573 |    0)   6342; uplink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:573 |    0)   6342; downlink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:573 |    0)   6342; local qos uplink = 0 downlink = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:597 |   24)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:697 |  100)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:798 |  101)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:56:898 |  100)   6342; [asr] api call report, send the cache item
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:571 |    0)   6342; [tactics] auido local uid(send) 0 seq 1 codec:82 rPkCount 0 sPkCount 0 netType 2 poorDevice 0           PkLst 0 frameLst 0 rtt 0 jitter 0 FEC 1:0 maxLst 0 uQos 0 dQos 0 pk_length:78 cpu:0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:571 |    0)   6342; [tactics] video local uid(send):0 seq:1 uQos:0 dQos:0 sendPk:0 rtt:0 lost:0 bwe:0 kbps:0/0 fps:0/0           qp:0 decoded:0 failed:0 render:0 resolution:0X0 diff(a/v):131804055/131804055
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:573 |    2)   6342; device 7819800, total 5511368, me 895240
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:573 |    0)   6342; [ep] audio encoder/decoder 0/0 ms/50 frames
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:573 |    0)   6342; [ep] sdk audio tx/rx time 0/0 video tx/rx time 0/0 ms/50 frames, total 0 ms
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:573 |    0)   6342; [ep] pickup i/o 48/1 timer 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:573 |    0)   6342; [ep] A/recoding bad A/playout bad S/CPU unknown S/throughput poor
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:574 |    1)   6342; start duration: 4 s, calc duration: 2000 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=25, rx=15, total=40, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:574 |    0)   6342; update video to client qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:574 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:574 |    0)   6342; update video to vos qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:574 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:574 |    0)   6342; update audio to client qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:574 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:574 |    0)   6342; update audio to vos qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:574 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:579 |    5)   6342; start duration: 4 s, calc duration: 2000 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=7, rx=1, total=8, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:579 |    0)   6342; uplink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:579 |    0)   6342; downlink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:58:579 |    0)   6342; local qos uplink = 0 downlink = 0
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:59:490 |    0)   6342; [rs] **report stats: seq: 42, report list size 0, tx/rx: 7076/2016, cache size: 0
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 6:59:491 |    1)   6342; [rs] report server1:
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:59:491 |    0)   6342; [rs] resend report list size: 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:59:571 |   80)   6342; [rp] join channel timeout:5000
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:59:582 |   11)   6342; [rs] link, totalPackets: 34/35, validPackets: 34/35
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:59:582 |    0)   6342; [rs] link, totalPackets: 8/8, validPackets: 8/8
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 6:59:582 |    0)   6342; [rs] totalPackets: 42/43, validPackets: 42/43
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:572 |    0)   6342; [tactics] auido local uid(send) 0 seq 2 codec:82 rPkCount 0 sPkCount 0 netType 2 poorDevice 0           PkLst 0 frameLst 0 rtt 0 jitter 0 FEC 1:0 maxLst 0 uQos 0 dQos 0 pk_length:78 cpu:0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:573 |    1)   6342; [tactics] video local uid(send):0 seq:2 uQos:0 dQos:0 sendPk:0 rtt:0 lost:0 bwe:0 kbps:0/0 fps:0/0           qp:0 decoded:0 failed:0 render:0 resolution:0X0 diff(a/v):131806056/131806056
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:574 |    1)   6342; device 7819800, total 5511908, me 898340
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:574 |    0)   6342; [ep] audio encoder/decoder 0/0 ms/50 frames
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:574 |    0)   6342; [ep] sdk audio tx/rx time 0/0 video tx/rx time 0/0 ms/50 frames, total 0 ms
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:574 |    0)   6342; [ep] pickup i/o 0/3 timer 1
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:575 |    1)   6342; [ep] A/recoding bad A/playout bad S/CPU unknown S/throughput excellent
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:575 |    0)   6342; start duration: 6 s, calc duration: 2001 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=5, rx=0, total=5, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:576 |    1)   6342; update video to client qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:576 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:576 |    0)   6342; update video to vos qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:576 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:576 |    0)   6342; update audio to client qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:576 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:576 |    0)   6342; update audio to vos qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:576 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:577 |    1)   6342; start duration: 6 s, calc duration: 2001 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=2, rx=0, total=2, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:577 |    0)   6342; uplink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:577 |    0)   6342; downlink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 0:578 |    1)   6342; local qos uplink = 0 downlink = 0
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:573 |    0)   6342; [tactics] auido local uid(send) 0 seq 3 codec:82 rPkCount 0 sPkCount 0 netType 2 poorDevice 0           PkLst 0 frameLst 0 rtt 0 jitter 0 FEC 1:0 maxLst 0 uQos 0 dQos 0 pk_length:78 cpu:0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:574 |    1)   6342; [tactics] video local uid(send):0 seq:3 uQos:0 dQos:0 sendPk:0 rtt:0 lost:0 bwe:0 kbps:0/0 fps:0/0           qp:0 decoded:0 failed:0 render:0 resolution:0X0 diff(a/v):131808057/131808057
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:576 |    2)   6342; device 7819800, total 5507488, me 892108
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:576 |    0)   6342; [ep] audio encoder/decoder 0/0 ms/50 frames
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:576 |    0)   6342; [ep] sdk audio tx/rx time 0/0 video tx/rx time 0/0 ms/50 frames, total 0 ms
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:576 |    0)   6342; [ep] pickup i/o 0/2 timer 1
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:576 |    0)   6342; [ep] A/recoding bad A/playout bad S/CPU unknown S/throughput excellent
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:577 |    1)   6342; start duration: 8 s, calc duration: 2001 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=1, rx=0, total=1, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:577 |    0)   6342; update video to client qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:577 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:577 |    0)   6342; update video to vos qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:577 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:577 |    0)   6342; update audio to client qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:577 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:577 |    0)   6342; update audio to vos qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:577 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:578 |    1)   6342; start duration: 8 s, calc duration: 2001 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=1, rx=0, total=1, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:579 |    1)   6342; uplink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:579 |    0)   6342; downlink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 2:579 |    0)   6342; local qos uplink = 0 downlink = 0
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:490 |    0)   6342; [rs] start to tx cached report, items count: 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:491 |    1)   6342; [rs] cache report empty!
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:571 |   80)   6342; [nt/dt] queryDns is
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:571 |    0)   6342; [NetworkTester] domain is
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:578 |    7)   6342; tcp_client connecting
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:580 |    2)   6342; tcp_client connecting
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:581 |    1)   6342; [rs] resend report list size: 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:581 |    0)   6342; [tactics] auido local uid(send) 0 seq 4 codec:82 rPkCount 0 sPkCount 0 netType 2 poorDevice 0           PkLst 0 frameLst 0 rtt 0 jitter 0 FEC 1:0 maxLst 0 uQos 0 dQos 0 pk_length:78 cpu:0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:581 |    0)   6342; [tactics] video local uid(send):0 seq:4 uQos:0 dQos:0 sendPk:0 rtt:0 lost:0 bwe:0 kbps:0/0 fps:0/0           qp:0 decoded:0 failed:0 render:0 resolution:0X0 diff(a/v):131810064/131810064
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:582 |    1)   6342; device 7819800, total 5510024, me 893788
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:582 |    0)   6342; [ep] audio encoder/decoder 0/0 ms/50 frames
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:582 |    0)   6342; [ep] sdk audio tx/rx time 0/0 video tx/rx time 0/0 ms/50 frames, total 0 ms
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:582 |    0)   6342; [ep] pickup i/o 0/3 timer 7
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:583 |    1)   6342; [ep] A/recoding bad A/playout bad S/CPU unknown S/throughput excellent
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:583 |    0)   6342; [rs] start to tx cached report, items count: 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:583 |    0)   6342; start duration: 10 s, calc duration: 2007 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=1, rx=0, total=1, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:583 |    0)   6342; update video to client qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:583 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:583 |    0)   6342; update video to vos qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:584 |    1)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:584 |    0)   6342; update audio to client qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:584 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:584 |    0)   6342; update audio to vos qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:584 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:585 |    1)   6342; start duration: 10 s, calc duration: 2007 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=1, rx=0, total=1, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:585 |    0)   6342; uplink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:585 |    0)   6342; downlink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:585 |    0)   6342; local qos uplink = 0 downlink = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:585 |    0)   6342; [rs] link, totalPackets: 39/41, validPackets: 39/41
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:586 |    1)   6342; [rs] link, totalPackets: 8/8, validPackets: 8/8
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:586 |    0)   6342; [rs] totalPackets: 47/49, validPackets: 47/49
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:719 |  133)   6342; [nt/et] tcp connected with 0x72ea4e1200
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:719 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] request voet list......
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:791 |   72)   6342; [dns] parsed ip
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:791 |    0)   6342; [nt/dt] domain is, ip is 2404:6800:4005:806::2004
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:791 |    0)   6342; [nt/dt] successfully add [2404:6800:4005:806::2004]:80 to domain
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:791 |    0)   6342; [nt/dt] domain is, ip is
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:791 |    0)   6342; [nt/dt] successfully add to domain
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:827 |   36)   6342; [nt/dt] successfully connect domain with
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:875 |   48)   6342; [nt/et] add voet ip:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:875 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add voet ip:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:875 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] add voet ip:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:875 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] test with tcp:
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:876 |    1)   6342; tcp_client connecting
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 4:876 |    0)   6342; [nt/et] test with udp:
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:925 |   49)   6342; [nt/et] receive pong from udp:, seq: 0, ts: 17463
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 4:967 |   42)   6342; [nt/et] receive pong from tcp:, seq: 0, ts: 17505
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 6:580 |    0)   6342; tcp_client connecting [2404:6800:4005:806::2004]:80
E/AGORA_SDK( 5986): ERROR   (10: 7: 6:581 |    1)   6342; ahpl_close failed with error=9
I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO    (10: 7: 6:583 |    2)   6342; tcp_client connecting
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:583 |    0)   6342; [tactics] auido local uid(send) 0 seq 5 codec:82 rPkCount 0 sPkCount 0 netType 2 poorDevice 0           PkLst 0 frameLst 0 rtt 0 jitter 0 FEC 1:0 maxLst 0 uQos 0 dQos 0 pk_length:78 cpu:0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:583 |    0)   6342; [tactics] video local uid(send):0 seq:5 uQos:0 dQos:0 sendPk:0 rtt:0 lost:0 bwe:0 kbps:0/0 fps:0/0           qp:0 decoded:0 failed:0 render:0 resolution:0X0 diff(a/v):131812067/131812067
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:584 |    1)   6342; device 7819800, total 5510780, me 893396
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:584 |    0)   6342; [ep] audio encoder/decoder 0/0 ms/50 frames
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:584 |    0)   6342; [ep] sdk audio tx/rx time 0/0 video tx/rx time 0/0 ms/50 frames, total 0 ms
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    1)   6342; [ep] pickup i/o 0/3 timer 3
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    0)   6342; [ep] A/recoding bad A/playout bad S/CPU unknown S/throughput excellent
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    0)   6342; start duration: 12 s, calc duration: 2003 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=5, rx=1, total=6, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    0)   6342; update video to client qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    0)   6342; update video to vos qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    0)   6342; update audio to client qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    0)   6342; update audio to vos qos: -------
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:585 |    0)   6342; Averaged 0 quality packages, lost: 0 (0/0)
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:587 |    2)   6342; start duration: 12 s, calc duration: 2003 ms, byte rate (kbps): tx=5, rx=1, total=6, audio bitrate tx=0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:587 |    0)   6342; uplink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:587 |    0)   6342; downlink lossrate = 0
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:588 |    1)   6342; local qos uplink = 0 downlink = 0
E/AGORA_SDK( 5986): ERROR   (10: 7: 6:589 |    1)   6342; connection error 65 on socket 172 @ [2404:6800:4005:806::2004]:80
W/AGORA_SDK( 5986): WARN    (10: 7: 6:589 |    0)   6342; [nt/dt] socket error to connect domain with [2404:6800:4005:806::2004]:80
E/AGORA_SDK( 5986): ERROR   (10: 7: 6:589 |    0)   6342; ahpl_close failed with error=9
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    ( 5986): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:806 |  217)   6342; [nt/dt] successfully connect domain with
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:988 |  182)   6342; [nt/et] receive pong from tcp:, seq: 1, ts: 19505
D/AGORA_SDK( 5986): DEBUG   (10: 7: 6:989 |    1)   6342; [nt/et] receive pong from udp:, seq: 1, ts: 19463

Flutter Doctor

Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 1.22.1, on Mac OS X 10.15.7 19H2, locale en)

[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.2)
[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 11.7)
[✓] Android Studio (version 3.6)
[✓] IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (version 2020.2)
[✓] VS Code (version 1.49.3)
[✓] Connected device (3 available)

• No issues found!
LichKing-2234 commented 3 years ago

@asongkai seem like you not setting correct appId or token.

asongkai commented 3 years ago

AppID is copy paste how come?

LichKing-2234 commented 3 years ago

@asongkai from

asongkai commented 3 years ago

Hi I'm not sure did you got my points? what I mean copy and paste is I copied the appId from to my flutter app

LichKing-2234 commented 3 years ago

@asongkai pls refer to this doc, and check the Step 1: Define App ID and Token.

LichKing-2234 commented 3 years ago

by the way, you can get error code from error callback

asongkai commented 3 years ago

The error is remain on my project so, I decided to move on to connectycube instead of agora

On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 4:23 PM Arthas wrote:

by the way, you can get error code from error callback

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .

LichKing-2234 commented 3 years ago

@asongkai you can refer to this, [vocs/u] responsed from with error: 15, elapsed: 318, server ts: 1602817614775. connection aborted I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO (10: 6:54:829 | 0) 6342; [vocs] is reported failure, and will be disabled for 4000 ms this error means you no setting the correct token.

asongkai commented 3 years ago

totally I just cloned the sample app and replace the app ID with my app ID when launch the app demo show invalid token,

I followed a tutorial on youtube and everything is fine but when I try to call it says the error I mentioned before.

Anyway thank you for the response I was not able to get it works so I already tried ConnectyCube and it worked pretty good out of the box.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 8:50 AM Arthas wrote:

@asongkai you can refer to this, #184 (comment) [vocs/u] responsed from with error: 15, elapsed: 318, server ts: 1602817614775. connection aborted I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO (10: 6:54:829 | 0) 6342; [vocs] is reported failure, and will be disabled for 4000 ms this error means you no setting the correct token.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .

asongkai commented 3 years ago

My error only like this.

E/libc    ( 2434): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
E/libc    ( 2434): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    ( 2434): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    ( 2434): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    ( 2434): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
E/libc    ( 2434): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
E/libc    ( 2434): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
E/libc    ( 2434): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
E/libc    ( 2434): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
E/libc    ( 2434): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
asongkai commented 3 years ago

@asongkai you can refer to this, #184 (comment) [vocs/u] responsed from with error: 15, elapsed: 318, server ts: 1602817614775. connection aborted I/AGORA_SDK( 5986): INFO (10: 6:54:829 | 0) 6342; [vocs] is reported failure, and will be disabled for 4000 ms this error means you no setting the correct token.

I don't use token just the AppID

LichKing-2234 commented 3 years ago

pls double check your appId disable app certificate, if you enable app certificate, you must join the channel with a token.

asongkai commented 3 years ago

Thank you it works now, but I create a new app instead by the way how to delete a project or disable app certificate? due to no button to click

uzairleo commented 3 years ago

@haroonkhan9426 did u enable app certificates ?

haroonkhan9426 commented 3 years ago

@haroonkhan9426 did u enable app certificates ?

Yes I did.