AgoraIO-Community / Agora-RTC-SDK-for-Xamarin

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Getting MT2101 error on our AppCenter build (works fine on local mac) #37

Open softsan opened 3 years ago

softsan commented 3 years ago

We updated latest 3.4.2 of Xamarin.Agora.iOS full and it build fine on out local Mac in both debug/release mode.But failed on our AppCenter CI with following error:

MTOUCH : error MT2101: Can't resolve the reference 'System.Void ObjCRuntime.ThrowHelper::ThrowArgumentNullException(System.String)', referenced from the method 'System.Int32 DT.Xamarin.Agora.AgoraRtcEngineKit::AddInjectStreamUrl(System.String,DT.Xamarin.Agora.AgoraLiveInjectStreamConfig)' in 'Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065'.

So any idea?
