AgoraIO-Community / VideoUIKit-Web-React

A Web library to simply integrate Agora Video Calling or Live Video Streaming to your website with just a few lines of code.
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enableVideo: false or enableAudio: false not working for LocalParticipant #21

Closed Mihai-github closed 1 year ago

Mihai-github commented 1 year ago


I have the following configuration and seems to not work for the LocalParticipant even though i set the camera and mic to false.

const [rtcProps, setRTCProps] = React.useState<RtcPropsInterface>({ CustomVideoPlaceholder: Placeholder, appId: "c532a7b1c4e04ad3a35052133adafaa6", channel: "", token: "", activeSpeaker: true, enableAudio: queryParams["audio"] === "on" ? true : false, enableVideo: queryParams["video"] === "on" ? true : false, role: "host", uid: authUserId as number, layout: layout.grid, disableRtm: true, });

Any idea why this is not working???

EkaanshArora commented 1 year ago

Hi sorry about the late response, this a placeholder prop to add this functionality in the future but it isn’t part of the UIKit as of now - I’ll update the issue once we’ve added this. #19