AgoraIO-Extensions / Agora-Unreal-RTC-SDK

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Packaging error in iOS with xcode 13.4 #114

Open saswat-mishra opened 2 months ago

saswat-mishra commented 2 months ago

I'm getting this error: ld: '/Users/ec2-user/Documents/UnrealEngine/Engine/Intermediate/UnzippedFrameworks/AgoraVideoSegmentationExtension/AgoraVideoSegmentationExtension.framework/AgoraVideoSegmentationExtension' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. file '/Users/ec2-user/Documents/UnrealEngine/Engine/Intermediate/UnzippedFrameworks/AgoraVideoSegmentationExtension/AgoraVideoSegmentationExtension.framework/AgoraVideoSegmentationExtension' for architect ure arm64

Followed by linker error.

Also I can't find the "Enable Bitcode" option in XCode as most people give this as a solution. I literally searched it across all targets inside Build settings & changed to "all" tab from "basic" but no such option.

WinterPu commented 1 month ago

I remember Apple has given up the bitcode. I don't have Xcode 13.4. Maybe you could try to build it with different iOS Deployment Target version.