AgoraIO / AgoraAudio_iOS

Agora's Audio SDK Swift Package for iOS 📦
MIT License
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Bump support to iOS9+ #1

Closed timle8n1 closed 2 years ago

timle8n1 commented 2 years ago

on Xcode 12+ the minimum deployment target supported is iOS 9 so adding this package gets a warning. I wonder if bumping the package support to iOS9+ would cause anyone grief?

maxxfrazer commented 2 years ago

Hi @timle8n1, sorry for the delay (of 5 months!!!!) to this PR.

This is something I've raised with the SDK team multiple times, and they're very keen on sticking with iOS 8 for now. However, I realised you cannot even target iOS 8 with an Xcode version that works with Swift Packages that contain binary targets (such as this one), so bumping it to iOS 9 in the swift package only shouldn't cause issues. I'll merge this now and it'll take effect on the next release.