AgoraIO / Basic-Video-Broadcasting

Sample app to join/leave a channel, set the role as a host/audience, mute/unmute, switch between front/rear cameras, and set the video parameters.
MIT License
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Going live from android video is zoomed in web and IOS #152

Open Amitdygon opened 2 years ago

Amitdygon commented 2 years ago

Here My first Android live image Screenshot_20220531_142341

Here what i got into web

code to send ar view

` val outBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(arFragment!!.arSceneView.width, arFragment!!.arSceneView.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) arFragment?.arSceneView?.let { PixelCopy.request(it, outBitmap, { copyResult -> if (copyResult == PixelCopy.SUCCESS) { sendARView(outBitmap) }

            }, mSenderHandler!!)


Code to init agora ` rtcEngine()?.setParameters("{\"rtc.log_filter\": 65535}") rtcEngine()?.setChannelProfile(io.agora.rtc.Constants.CHANNEL_PROFILE_LIVE_BROADCASTING) rtcEngine()?.enableDualStreamMode(true) rtcEngine()?.setVideoEncoderConfiguration( VideoEncoderConfiguration( VideoEncoderConfiguration.VD_640x480, VideoEncoderConfiguration.FRAME_RATE.FRAME_RATE_FPS_30, VideoEncoderConfiguration.STANDARD_BITRATE, VideoEncoderConfiguration.ORIENTATION_MODE.ORIENTATION_MODE_ADAPTIVE ) ) rtcEngine()?.setClientRole(role) rtcEngine()?.enableVideo() mSource = AgoraVideoSource() mRender = AgoraVideoRender(0, true) rtcEngine()?.setVideoSource(mSource) rtcEngine()?.setLocalVideoRenderer(mRender)

        rtcEngine()?.joinChannel(token, channelName, "", 0)`
plutoless commented 2 years ago

try changing video content mode from fulfill to fit and see. guess the remaining content area was cut off.