AgoraIO / Basic-Video-Call

Sample app to join/leave a channel, mute/unmute, enable/disable the video, and switch between front/rear cameras.
MIT License
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The RTC Token value generated by the server is invalid #338

Open SeowonPark001 opened 1 year ago

SeowonPark001 commented 1 year ago


I am currently using the 1to1 video call kotlin project as an Android app. As specified in this READ ME, I generated a temporary RTC Token from the Agora dashboard and ran the project using this token value, and it seems to work well. (Because the camera is working.)

However, my project requires the client to issue channelName every time, so I need to create a different RTC Token every time on Node.js server. So I followed the token generation on the server specified in this READ ME. What I ran is a project to create an RTC Token on the Node.js server. I modified all the values of app ID, app Certificate, channelName, and uid (and other tutorial process as well) according to the READ ME of Github page mentioned above, and succeeded in creating RTC Token using RTC Token Builder.

However, the token created in this way does not appear to be effective. I applied this token value to my project's function joinChannel() and it doesn't seem to work properly. Because the camera (maybe even the microphone) does not turn on. In this regard, there is no error message output in the Run/Build log window. It's just that the camera isn't turning on. Maybe there's no communication.

There is no error or problem with my project. Because applying the temporary token value issued by the dashboard works well.

If you know the cause or solution of this situation, please give me an answer regarding this problem.

I am desperate for help in solving this problem. (I also want to apply it to 1to1 as well as 1toN video call projects.)

Thank you. (And sorry for my bad English)

plutoless commented 1 year ago

@SeowonPark001 hi, i think there's a didJoinChannel callback. is that callback called?

plutoless commented 1 year ago

also there should be a onError callback, is that callback called?