Closed LuqiPan closed 1 day ago
Chain policies would be keyed by chainId
, which is the numeric identifier for each chain. E.g. ETH:1, OP: 10, ARB: 42161, etc..
The policy for each chain would contain:
nobleContractAddress: Hex;
cctpTokenMessengerAddress: Hex;
confrimations: integer; The number of confirmations needed before a submission occurs
bridgeContractAddress?: Hex; Denotes the bridging contract, or equivalent, we want the Oracle Operator to query to determine L1 inclusion Note: L2's communicate finality to ETH differently, so the term "bridgeContract" may not apply to all chains
We are also considering adding the following fields to the policy:
chainName: string; Since chainId is an integer, is it helpful to also include a human-readable identifier?
nobleDomainId: integer;
nobleAgoricChannelId: IBCChannelID;
eventFilter: ABIString;
chainType: Enum;
FastUSDC only calls for evm chains, so this value might be the same for every chain
isL2: boolean; helps identify chains that also require tx inclusion checks on L1 potentially redundant
What is the Problem Being Solved?
Description of the Design
Security Considerations
Scaling Considerations
Test Plan
Upgrade Considerations