Agoric / agoric-sdk

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comms vat killed by unexpected recv seqNum #3021

Open warner opened 3 years ago

warner commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

While testing, I saw the comms vat get terminated when it received an unexpected seqnum. The slog trace was:

{"time":1620070469.489727,"type":"deliver-result","crankNum":65210,"vatID":"v12","deliveryNum":14612,"dr":["error","unexpected recv seqNum (a string)",null]}
{"time":1620070470.2255008,"type":"terminate","vatID":"v12","shouldReject":true,"info":{"body":"{\"@qclass\":\"error\",\"name\":\"Error\",\"message\":\"unexpected recv seqNum (a string)\"}","slots":[]}}

I'm pretty sure it's happening here:

I'm not exactly sure why this caused the comms vat to terminate, but I think it's because we decided that any unhandled error from dispatch qualifies as an internal error and kills the vat.

The tasks are:

warner commented 3 years ago

We put a bandage on this in #3024, but we need to make a thorough check of all the assertions and make sure they kill only the appropriate level.

dckc commented 3 years ago

Is there more to do on this for today's release? If not, I'd like to postpone it to a later milestone.

warner commented 3 years ago

I don't think there's more to do on this for the Staking Dynamics milestone. We'll just have to see if the #3024 bandage makes a difference.

Tartuffo commented 2 years ago

We may have fixed the initial error, but what should we do if it DOES happen again?