Agoric / agoric-sdk

monorepo for the Agoric Javascript smart contract platform
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SwingSet on xs: exploratory prototypes #47

Closed dckc closed 3 years ago

dckc commented 5 years ago

A key to Agoric's smart contract platform is compatibility between widespread understanding of best practices in JavaScript development with object capabilities and fail-stop deterministic execution. Initial development of cosmic-swingset is based on the popular and feature-rich node.js platform, but node.js represents an uncomfortably large amount of code to include in a trusted computing base as well as a substantial risk to deterministic execution. The xs engine in the Moddable SDK is designed for constrained microcontroller environments. It has some limitations, but the supported feature set seems to be an excellent match for the Agoric platform.

Issues (for reference)

NOTE: In more recent designs, only vat workers run on XS, not all of SwingSet. See #2107 for details.

Toward cosmic-swingset ag-solo on xs OBSOLETE

Current work is on ag-solo on xs. In particular, an xs-lite branch where I'm integrating lessons from earlier "hack and slash" mode work (xs-platform branch) without breaking the main build.

The pixel demo works thru getting a pixel balance but then loses its marbles with "key not found" stuff. I suspect / hope this is due to the promise queue priority issue #45.

Bootstrap documented in github actions

SwingSet unit testing on xs

A large part of the SwingSet test suite has been ported to xs:

platform branch date rev scripts tests passing
node.js master Jan 17 f833610831e6 20 755 755
xs xs-build-lite Jan 18 5df242c2 12 594 594

For more details, see Jan 18 comment below.

tape testing work-alike: xs is ESM-only

One of main differences between node.js and xs is modules: xs supports only ES5 modules. Attempting to port tape showed extensive CommonJS dependencies. Incremental development of a work-alike, , has worked reasonably well so far.

Using xs deep freeze for harden()

The @agoric/harden and @agoric/make-hardener code do extensive patching in a browser or node context to reach a state that seems to be essentially the default in the xs platform. xs has a deep freezing feature: Object.freeze(x, true) has an extra argument that, when set to true, seems to do the equivalent of harden(x). Using deep freezing passes all the @agoric/harden tests but one.

dckc commented 5 years ago

Sharing import path specifiers

main issue:

In trying to demonstrate that sharing import paths was no just difficult ( but impossible, I discovered it's not.

IOU details, but this looks promising. The main impact is that test scripts should become modules ( e.g. 8bf4116679d5)

Also: the test-xs-manifest.json and test-xs-main.js files are in the top SwingSet directory.

test-xs: 14/14 PASS from test-marshal 40ee4a0

Earlier approach

earlier status: 12 / 16 PASS - 4 FAIL. description: 2784e5b

dckc commented 5 years ago

All 174 tests from test-marshal and test-kernel are passing with no change to the src/ code and small tweaks to test/ code. since rebased to 5e6c533f4b2d9f7df6439bfbe38d91e2497df881

Some dependencies are tweaked:

Noteable changes

Moddable SDK: Getting Started

Prerequisite to this work is Host environment setup for linux (or for macOS).

At this point, one can run the hello-world example along with the xsb debugger:

~/projects/moddable$ cd examples/helloworld/
~/projects/moddable/examples/helloworld$ mcconfig -d -m -p lin
~/projects/moddable/examples/helloworld$ # or: mcconfig -d -m -p mac
# xsc Resource.xsb
# ld


See also:

dckc commented 5 years ago

Porting src/controller.js is a puzzle. Some options I'm considering...:

dckc commented 5 years ago

thoughts on src/build-source-bundle.js...

eventual send operator syntax

i.e. acornInjectPlugins: [infixBang()] (though infixBang is now a misnomer... IOU pointer to discussion of target~.msg(Args))

Should I ask the moddable / xs guys about supporting that? p.s. done: asked for advice on how to go about it:


Getting Babel to run in xs would have various grungy issues, but moreover, do we really want that in the TCB?

I'd be surprised if xs has a runtime module loader... They have an example using import(), but it does't parse js at run time; it loads ahead-of-time compiled stuff.

A quick-n-dirty rollup work-alike shouldn't be too hard, if my understanding is correct... all the imports have to go at the top of the file and export has to be a top-level token.

p.s. @dtribble points out @michaelfig 's work on , which looks like just the thing!

dckc commented 5 years ago

test-controller: 26 / 32 PASS; 6 FAIL

so the total, with test-marshal and test-kernel is 199 / 205 PASS; 6 FAIL

All six failures are the withSES === true cases.

The current withSES === true takes the kernel source, loads it as a function, and then stringifies it again, an then uses eval to turn it back into a function inside an SES Realm. In xs, the string form of the kernel isn't handy when you load it as a function. Straightforward options are:

The withSES === false code just imports the kernel module. It imports it into the outer realm, so I should add a new Compartment() around it. I'd have more confidence in doing that right if we had a few tests that shows why the withSES === false case is insecure (#151). (Same applies for eventual send operator: Agoric/SwingSet#150)

If it's important, I should be able to finish up the SES stubs to get withSES === true to run, if we skip loading the kernel source code into the outer realm and just deal with it in string form until it gets evaled in the SES realm.

I cheated and used ahead-of-time compilation for the vat code too. I aim to sync with @michaelfig on transform-module to address that.

Details of the test run:

as noted above, it involves npm link in 2 or 3 cases. It also involves a symlink, since the xs loader requires the .js extension:

~/projects/agoric/SwingSet$ ls -l test/vat-controller-1.js 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 connolly connolly 16 Sep  8 15:42 test/vat-controller-1.js -> vat-controller-1

Changelog (edited)

dckc commented 5 years ago

module loading, xs platforms, and fxFindModule

While the xs js-level Component API seems to handle only ahead-of-time compiled modules, I see the moddable SDK makes it pretty straightforward to define a platform including a C level fxFindModule hook: "Finding modules can involve looking for various kinds of files, using a set of preferred locations, etc. But on microcontrollers, all modules modules are prepared".

I'm not sure fxFindModule would allow async module lookup, though.

dckc commented 4 years ago

Struggling to reproduce my own results away from my desktop: 163 / 173 PASS

As noted above, at my desktop, I have 195/201 tests passing. After remembering a couple more work-arounds below, I'm up to 163/173. If I run just one of the test modules at a time, I get:

linux platform crept into npm script

The test-xs script specified -p lin. On a mac, it should be -p mac.

xs only recognizes files as javascript modules if they end in .js


SwingSet/test$ ln -s vat-controller-1 vat-controller-1.js

(IOU issue, docs, and/or fix)

failed to open directory

next challenge:

# bootstrap with SES
= loading config from basedir ./test/basedir-controller-2
.../projects/moddable/modules/files/file/mac/modFile.c (245) # Exception: Iterator: failed to open directory!


tape / harden integration

harden$ git diff
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 4754ead..0ddb906 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
     "prettier": "1.16.4",
     "rollup": "^1.3.2",
     "rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^4.0.1",
-    "@agoric/tape-xs": "^0.1.0",
     "tape": "^4.9.2"
   "directories": {
harden$ ls -l package.json 
-rw-r--r--  1  1338 Oct 26 15:04 package.json
dckc commented 4 years ago

@warner did some xs in C work back in Dec 2018 ddf4a43

Since then, moddable seems to have made an independent git history.

I re-sync'd BW's work: 3346e1a

(what happened to my notes from last night??? oh: )

dckc commented 4 years ago

I got the kernel working inside the little xs cli program.

I'm not sure where to put stuff yet, so for now, it's a gist:

dckc commented 4 years ago

@warner you asked how SES-like xs is. I think is the answer. Is there some place (else) I should document it?

dckc commented 4 years ago

ag-solo builds a withSES=true kernel, starts to load devices

it trips over import ... in device source. Gotta bundle those up.

At least this much is checked in... 5f07a15 1c04cb8 6479fde

dckc commented 4 years ago

ag-solo runs thru run() done.; does it work?

@warner @dtribble How close is this to working?

cosmic-swingset: 1ea6a96 SwingSet: 616104c moddable: 1539a49 7946ff3 moddable 1539a492

and perhaps a few other local kludges. (in particular, all the vats and devices are rollup'd with filename conventions)

dckc commented 4 years ago

ag-solo on xs caught up with monorepo etc. 757c337

run log:

I automated "all the vats and devices are rollup'd with filename conventions" in

dckc commented 4 years ago

toward github action for ag-solo on xs

My desktop gets more and more full of kludges. I haven't managed to coordinate with anyone else to reproduce my results, so let's try getting a robot to do it.

I got as far as one of the manual steps in my makefile: check out master and make scenario3-setup d211823

hanging at zoe vat

Ugh. After addressing various symptoms that I have seen locally, it's doing something I don't recall seeing before. I'm kinda stumped about where to go from here.

heisenbug: Cannot pass non-promise thenables

After I filled in the makeEvaluators part of my ses port (9ce30d7), I started to get:

doProcess: vat[v15][o+0].bootstrap dispatch failed: Error: Cannot pass non-promise thenables {}

I worked on debug logging enough to learn that it was from the copy of marshal in bootstrap, and then set things aside yesterday. Now today I can't reproduce the problem. (Meanwhile, it looks like hp.resolve became HandledPromise.resolve in marshal 0.1.2, but that version isn't referenced in all the relevant places. (yet?))

Hence the motivation to get this stuff running somewhere other than my desktop.

erights commented 4 years ago

Hi @dckc the two are related. A bug in HandledPromise was causing handled promises not to be recognized as genuine promises, and therefore misclassified as non-promise thenables. Marshal, to avoid passing things with problematic behaviors, forbid non-promise thenables.

dckc commented 4 years ago

github action for xs-lite

I'm trying a github action again with less invasive edits to moddable and agoric-sdk

So far: my version of moddable builds. I hope it got cached...

I got the eventual-send tests built; I think it runs, but since it never exits, the output doesn't seem to make it to the logs. Maybe I should make a separate issue for this event loop stuff...


github action for 2 packages on xs (eventual-send, marshal)

Now that I got some moddable SDK stuff worked out ( ) the tests for these two packages run pretty cleanly:

dckc commented 4 years ago

@dtribble hot off the press:

ag-solo works correctly on xs in the case of ERROR: . doesn't appear to be an ag-solo base directory 🙂

dckc commented 4 years ago

ag-solo start seems to work on xs modulo web stuff


run log:

express, morgan

8e9b9f4 has express (and serve-static), morgan, and http

next: WebSockets

dckc commented 4 years ago

Got a screen full of colored pixels!

It actually works sometimes, in the x-cli-lin build; I haven't seen it work in the debug setup.

next: async http route methods

The moddable http Server API seems to require responses to be computed synchronously. I got away with that for static files, but the put('/vat') handler is async, so I'm just getting lucky somehow when it works.

websocket handshake working

I get! in the browser console.

Hmmm... now I'm getting: main.js:30 WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:8000/' failed: A server must not mask any frames that it sends to the client.


dckc commented 4 years ago

SwingSet unit tests up to 594 / 594

CI build as of 5df242c:

my local test log (with evaluate fix 3cdd017 and ses DEBUG turned on):

dckc commented 4 years ago

My work on this issue is mostly standing by while the new SES / Compartment API are integrated into SwingSet; see #477

I have done a bit of work to keep my branch(es) up to date with master and I have worked with @michaelfig a bit on test debugging.

dckc commented 4 years ago

made a little progress on new-SES:

dckc commented 4 years ago

I sat down to resume work on this today given recent progress on new-SES etc. but re-discovered ambient file access in SwingSet/src/controller.js and lost momentum more or less right away. Sigh.

dckc commented 3 years ago

@dtribble @warner I'm inclined to change the scope of this to exploratory prototypes and close it in favor of #2107 and related stuff. OK?

I just reviewed the whole thing and I'm confident that there is no outstanding work represented only in this ticket.

dckc commented 3 years ago

@warner agreed with closing this.