P3 In Keplr Mobile wallet
Bob has successfully minted a Kread NFT after proposing and approving the NFT mint from Kread Dapp (and subsequently Keplr Mobile) Bob opens Keplr Mobile wallet and can see they an NFT asset listed against their Agoric1 address/account on Agoric chain
What is the Problem Being Solved?
As a Kread dapp user on a mobile device who has just minted an NFT, I need to be able to view my NFT asset:
Description of the Design
P3 In Keplr Mobile wallet Bob has successfully minted a Kread NFT after proposing and approving the NFT mint from Kread Dapp (and subsequently Keplr Mobile) Bob opens Keplr Mobile wallet and can see they an NFT asset listed against their Agoric1 address/account on Agoric chain
Security Considerations
Scaling Considerations
Test Plan
Upgrade Considerations